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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 120]

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[Sept. 11,

III. Recommended that in addition to the above required work, a student, aftei his first year in this college, may, under proper safeguards, be allowed to take sixty-four additional hours of elective work in each year, and no more. This elective work may not be taken in more than two departments. For these elective courses no credit shall be allowed. Inasmuch as under this plan no electives will be given in the Freshman year, the total number of hours of elective work possible' for a student to take would be one hundred ninety-two, and this added to four thousand hours of required work gives a total of four thousand one hundred ninety-two, as the maximum number of hours which a student may be permitted to take, and amounting to thirty-three hours a week for thirty-two weeks each year. IV. Recommended that diseases of the chest and physical diagnosis, now taught as separate sub-departments in our College, be made a part of the general course in medicine, in accordance with the recommendations of the model curriculum and the general practice in other colleges. V. Recommended that the teaching of Roentgenography be given under the Department of Medicine. VI. Recommended that, whenever possible, the various departments shall so organize their work that the didactic instruction should not consume more than one-third of the total number of hours allotted to that subject, the remaining twothirds being given over to clinical instruction, seminar work, demonstrations, laboratory work and exercises of a practical nature. VII. DISPENSARY. (a) Recommended that dispensary instruction be given in both the Senior and Junior years. (b) Recommended that the subjects of Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedics, Laryngology, Genito-Urinary diseases be given in the Junior year. (c) Recommended that the subjects of Pediatrics, Dermatology, Neurology, Ophthalmology, Gynecology be taught in the Senior year. (d) Recommended that the hours of the Dispensary be from 2.00 to 4.00 p. m. daily. (e) Recommended that the period of dispensary instruction be two hours daily in the larger departments and one hour daily in the smaller departments. (f) Recommended that for Dispensary purposes the class be divided into two sections, one section being in the Dispensary on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and the other on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and reversing the days in the Second Semester. (g) Recommended that each 'department give a three weeks' service in each semester. VIII. SUMMER TERM. (a) Recommended that a summer course be given to the incoming Senior Class, and to this class alone. (b) Recommended that only such students be admitted to the summer term as may have maintained a scholarship average of eighty in the first two years. IX. EXTERNE .SERVICE. (a) Recommended that the college establish an Externe service in such hospitals as may, in the judgment of the faculty, permit direct supervision of the student's work by one or more members of the faculty. This service is planned for that portion of the incoming Senior class whose members are studious, as demonstrated by their past scholarship record, and dependable, as indicated by their past record of attendance. It is therefore (b) Recommended that only students who have taken the summer term, and who have maintained a scholarship average of eighty, and an attendance record of ninety up to the beginning of their Senior year, shall be admitted to this Externe service. The student must have finished the Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior years and also about 380 hours of the Senior year which he may have completed during the Summer course. He will be required to do about 480 hours of the regularly scheduled Senior work at the college during the afternoon, making approximately 860 hours of Senior work. He will thus have completed his entire Senior work with the exception of about 200 hours. In place of these hours, students who have complied with, the above requirements will have the privilege of engaging in actual clinical work at various hospitals, four hours each day, or 768 hours during the 32 weeks of the Senior x year. . Groups of students will be assigned to different hospitals in rotation for fixed periods of time. The summer work can be so arranged that these students can give the entire morning to this work. Each student's attendance will be systematically recorded and absences will be treated precisely as they would be were the students to absent himself from the regular classes.