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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 108]

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[Aug. 14,

Hoit, Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Moore, Mr. Trevett, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Meeker.

A P P O I N T M E N T OF DR. W H I P P L E .

(3) A recommendation that Dr. Guy Montrose "Whipple, now of Cornell University, who at the last meeting of the board (page 49) was appointed Assistant Professor of Education but is unwilling to accept an appointment to this rank, be appointed instead Associate Professor of Education, for the same period and at the same salary as under the preceding! action of the board, that is to say, for the term of two years from September 1, 1914, at a salary of twenty-seven hundred fifty dollars ($2,750) per annum.

On motion of Mrs. Evans, this recommendation was approved.

C O M M I T T E E ON O R G A N I Z A T I O N A N D E F F I C I E N C Y .

(4) The following report on the work of the Committee on Organization and Efficiency: At the meeting of the University Senate held on February 6, 1911, it was voted that the President of the University be authorized to appoint a committee representing the several colleges and schools to make a thorough investigation of the general question of the organization and efficiency of the University, with a view to drafting ultimately a constitution of the University of Illinois for submission to the Board of Trustees. On March 7, 1911, the President appointed the following committee under this motion: Prof. A. N. Talbot, Prof. H. W. Mumford, Prof. J. H. Pettit, Associate Prof. H. L». Rietz," Prof. Frederick Green, Prof. E. R. Dewsnup, Prof. Julius Goebel, Director Charles Mills, Director P. L. Windsor, Prof. B. H. Bode, Prof. H. B. "Ward, Associate Prof. W. A. Oldfather, Prof. F. M. Mann, Prof. E. S. Thurston, and Registrar C. M. McConn, Secretary ex officio. The first meeting of the committee was held on March 13, 1911, at 8.00 p. m. in the Trustees' Room in the Natural History "Building. Aside from the members of the committee and the President of the University, there were present Mr. W. Li. Abbott, President of the Board of Trustees, and Mrs. Mary E. Busey, Mrs. Laura B. Evans, and Mr. F. L. Hatch, members of the Board of Trustees. It was voted at this time that the meetings of the committee should be held on the second and fourth Monday of each month from 7.30 to 9.30 p. m. in the Trustees' Room in the Natural History Building. Up to the present time seventy-two meetings of the committee have been held of from two to four hours in length. Five of these meetings were devoted to conference with representatives of other universities, Prof. J. M. Cattell of Columbia University, Prof. T. C. Chamberlin of the University of Chicago, Dr. H. C. Bumpus, Business Manager of the University of Wisconsin, Dr. C. R. Gregory of the University of Leipzig, and Dean C. H. Johnston of the University of Kansas. The first three of these gentlemen presented their views in formal addresses before the University Senate and met afterwards with the committee for discussion. It is hoped that the committee will be able to complete a preliminary report" to be submitted to the Senate and the various faculties early in the autumn. After a complete discussion of this preliminary report by the faculties and the Council of Administration, if the committee is able to agree upon any final report on the subject, the latter will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for consideration and such disposition made of it as they may see fit.

The foregoing' report was received for record.


(5) The following recommendations with reference to appointments: (a) That Dr. W. F. Dodd be appointed Associate Professor of Political Science, at a salary of three thousand dollars ($3,000) per annum, beginning September 1, 1914. Under an action of the Board of Trustees already taken (on April 22, 1914, p. 671) Dr. Dodd has leave of absence for the second half of the coming academic year, without salary, to enable him to complete certain work which he has undertaken and which can be done only in the city of Washington. (b) That Mr. John N. Pomeroy be appointed Professor of Law, for one year beginning iSeptember 1, 1914, at a salary of thirty-one hundred dollars ($3,100) for the year. (c) That Mr. George F. Schwartz be appointed Assistant Professor of Music, for three years beginning September 1, 1914, at a salary of twenty-two hundred dollars ($2,200) per annum. (d) That Mr. Ray T. Stull be appointed Acting Director of the Courses in Ceramics, for one year, beginning September 1, 1914, at a salary of three thousand dollars ($3,000) for the year. (e) That Mr. Charles E. Carpenter, now of the University of North Dakota, be appointed Assistant Professor of Law, for one year beginning September 1, 1914, at a salary of twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500) for the year. (f) That Dr. R. E. Hieronymus be appointed Community Adviser in the University of Illinois, for one year beginning September 1, 1914, at a salary of three thousand dollars ($3,000) for the year; salary to be divided equally between the budget of the Courses in Commerce and the budget of the Department of Agricultural Extension.

On motion of Superintendent Blair, the foregoing recommendations were approved, the vote being as follows: Ayes, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Moore, Mr. Trevett, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Dunne, Mr. Meeker.