UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914 [PAGE 1297]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914
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INDEX. Watson, Ethel, appointment, 678. Watson, F. R., appointment, 80, 616. Summer session appointment, 771. Watson, Helen G., degree, 47. fellowship, 55. Watson, Minnie E., degree, 236. fellowship in zoology, 222, 752. Watson, W. H., degree, 240. Watts, C. E., appointment, 108. Watts, C. H., degree, 230. Weatherby, U. G., Summer session appointment, 771. Weatherton, John, appointment, 643. Webb, C. P., degree, 48. Webb, H. A., appointment, 77, 105. Weber, H. C. P., appointment, 73, 612. Summer session appointment, 770. Weber, W. H., degree, 45. Webster, Major F. B., request, additional companies, 760. deposits for military outfits, 667. Weeter, H. M., appointment, 678. Weil, J. J„ degree, 240. Weil, M. E., degree, 46. Weiland, H. J., appointment, 612. Weis, E. W., secretary's certificate, 117. Weis, H. W., degree, 231. Weisfield, L. H., degree, 231. Welch, C. J., awarded contract, 106. contracts for concrete work of floricultural greenhouses, 142. Welch, P. S., degree, 238. Welch, P. B., degree, 240. Weldy, F. M., degree, 54. Welker, W. H., appointment, 648., Wellman, Orpha M., degree, 235. Wells, Grace E., appointment, 613. Wells, N. W., appointment, 614. Wells, J. R., appointment, 124, 619. degree, 47. Wells, M. M., appointment, 769. Wells, N. A., appointment, 614. leave of absence, 183. Wells, R. R., degree, 47. Wells, W. F., appointment, 108, 619. Welsbach Street Lighting Company, proposal for furnishing and maintenance of light for campus, 40. Weuter, L. M., degree, 54. Wermuth, A. W , degree, 54. Wescott, C. H., appointment, 678. Wesenberg, T. G., appointment, 610. Wesselhoeft, C. D., degree, 237. West Salem Experiment Field, 244. West, C. W., degree, 46. Weston, N. A., appointment, 72, 611. Wetmore, Mary M., appointment, 75, 609. Whaite, C. M., degree, 232. Wham, Charles, degree, 48. Wharmby, Edmund, appointment, 622. Wheaton, J. T., degree, 46. Wheeler, H. C, appointment, 82, 618. Wheeler, H. H., appointment, 678. Wheeler, Irene B., degree, 230. Wheeler, L. G., degree, 232. final honors, 238. Wheeler, Ruth, appointment, 620. Wheelock, C. E., appointment, 82. degree, 47. Wheelock, W. O., degree, 54. Whelan, J. M., Jr., degree, 232. Whicher, G. F., appointment, 183. Whitaker, R. L., degree, 44. White, C. W., degree, 230. Whitechurch, J. E., appointment, 82, 618. White, C. K., degree, 44.


White, D. M., lease, 742. White, E. A., appointment, 618. White, J. C, protest against noise of Locomotive Testing Laboratory, 724. White, J. G., degree, 232. White, J. J., signing of bond, 207. White, J. M., appointment, 72, 74, 608, 614. attended meeting, 652, 688, 753. communication, 41, 100, 103, 106, 142, 147, 150, 160, 161, 699, 723. office budget, 696. presented plans, 90, 599, 697, 704, 727, 729. presented plans, extension of heating plant, 590. changes in Law Building, 91. Ceramics Building, 729. Horticultural greenhouses, 117. small observatory, 699. Stock Pavilion, 117, 170. storehouse, 702. recommendation, animal nutrition, rooms for, 627. appointment of H. D. Oberdorfer, 92. G. B. Rice, 628. bids on wiring and plumbing, etc., 649. charge for use of Auditorium and old Armory, 266. concrete work on floricultural greenhouses, 142. concrete work on Armory, 756. extension of conduit, 628, 757. extension of tunnels, 757. extension of .time on floricultural greenhouses, 602. floricultural greenhouses, 101. horticultural greenhouses, moving, moving, 265. Library Building, new, 160, 674. M. E. Shops, 602, 639. observatory, 724. pavement, Armory, 120, 256. Burrill Avenue and East driveway, 640. Lincoln Avenue, 65. Stock Judging Pavilion, 148, 170. report, original cost of building plant and estimate of cost of extension, 148. request, authority for construction of Botany and Zoological Laboratories, 753. statement, completion of Armory, 698, 707. fire in University Hall, 150. horticultural and floricultural greenhouses, 142, 147. marker, Regent Gregory's grave, 701. release of building plans, 754. senior memorials, 737. switch track, 669. vegetable greenhouses, 106. White, J. W., degree, 50. White, Lida E., appointment, 142. White, Loretta, appointment, 678, 751. White, Mary B., appointment, 646. White, Mary L., degree, 230. White, Sarah M., degree, 54. White, S. S., Dental Manufacturing Company, contract awarded, 627. Whiting, A. L., appointment, 82, 618. degree, 51. Whitmer, L. W., appointment, 660. Whitten, J. H., appointment, 77, 611. degree, 48. Whitney, C. E.. degree, 232. Whitney, H. W., degree, 230. Wicher, G. E., appointment, 609. Wicher, Edward, appointment, 612. Wieneke, C. H., degree, 54.