UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 [PAGE 942]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912
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INDEX. Commerce, courses in balance appropriated, 521 budget, 1911-1912, 445, 451 building for requested, 41 Commissions in Illinois National Guard, list of, 134 Committees, standing . appointment of, 107 reappointed, 574 Comptroller appropriations requested by, 489 salary, adjustment of, 119 report of, 12, 54, 96, 159, 479, 539, 550 Comptroller's office budget, 1911-1912, 443 salaries in, 27 Conel, J. L., appointment, 577 Conference of college presidents, 68 Conkle, Miss M., letter from, 158 Conkle lots, authority to purchase, 470 Conley, B. M., appointment, 10 Construction, Superintendent of, 582 Contract for coal, 22, 29, 38, 476, 495 Contract with College of Physicians and Surgeons, 2, 118, 434, 466, 578 Cook, G. W., appointment, 8, 440, 497 Cooper, John A., appointment, 45 Corbus, B. C , appointment, 10, 502 Corcoran, E. A., appointment, 11 Corner-stone of Lincoln Hall, laying of, 22 Correspondence, Agricultural Experiment Station, 582 Corrubia, A. B. M., appointment, 472, 537 Corson, H. P., appointment, 450 Cort, William W., appointment, 446 Corwin, A. M., appointment, 9, 500 Cox, S. H., appointment, 575 C. P. A., certificates for degree of, 91 Craig, Jennie A appointment, 450 transfer, 513 Crandall, C. S., appointment, 442 Crandall, W. T., appointment, 448 Crathorne, Arthur, appointment, 446 Crawford, C. C , appointment, 445 Crede, W. H., appointment, 10, 500 Creek, Harry L., appointment, 444 Crigler, Nina B., appointment, 442 Crocker, A. C , appointment, 552 Crop investigations, appropriations for, 1911-1913, 139, 142 Crouch, Mr., medical treatment, bill for., 67 Crowder, B. H., appointment, 117, 525 Crowe, D. S., injured in laboratory, 593 Cultural work, greater facilities for, 587 Cunningham, Harrison E. appointment, 443 appointed assistant registrar, 27 appointment Secretary pro tempore, 79,106 Current appropriations, Comptroller's report, 14, 55, 97, 160, 480 540, 557 Curtiss, Richard. S., appointment, 445 Curtis, Florence R., appointment, 449, 450, 551 Curtis, W. E., honorary degree, 118,133 Custodians, Museums in Lincoln Hall, 434 Dahl, Svenning, appointment, 10 Dairy barn appropriation asked, 78 appropriation for, 140,144 lightning rods, 534 plans for, 601 Dairy breeds, specimens appropriation, 140,144 appropriation asked, 78 Dairy cattle building, appropriation asked, 78 Dairy husbandry, Department of appropriation for, 139,142 budget, 1911-1912,^448, 449, 454 Dairying, Municipal and Sanitary, Professorship of, i l ~ . Dalton, C. E., appointment, 94, 445, 472 Daniels, A. H., appointed Acting Dean, 548

Chase, W. A., successor appointed, 538 Chauvet. Frank, appointment, 528 Chemical building addition to requested, 41 changes in drum of freight elevator, 38 lightning rods, 534 painting and repairs, 438 painting exterior of, 103 transformers for, 38 Chemicals and apparatus, importation authorized, 66 Chemistry, Department of appropriation asked, 76 appropriation for, 1911-1913,139, 141, 522 budget, 1911-1912, 445, 452 import orders, 66, 539 Junior College of Medicine, 526 needs of presented, 52 rebates, 569 Chief Clerk bond of, amount fixed, 96, 548 elected, 548 Chief Clerk's report Comptroller's report, 18, 60, 101, 164, 484, 544, 561 Cigrand, B. J., appointment, 9 Civil Service bill, 94 dismissal of undesirable employes, 166 inclusion of University under, 64 proposed investigation of conditions under, 510 €ivil Engineering, Department of budget, 1911-1912, 447 Clark, A. H., appointment, 465 Clark, C. C , appointment, 11, 501 Clark, F. E., appointment, 575 ' Clark, Mary H., appointment, 44, 513 Clark, Thomas A appointment, 439 authorized to publish handbook for freshmen. 148 report, 593 Classics, Department of, budget, 1911-1912, 444, 451 Clayton,, Jean P., appointment, 448 Clement, Charles C„, appointment, 503 Clinic building) veterinary appropriation asked, 78 appropriation for, 140, 144 Clock system for recitation rooms, 2 Closing entrance to campus, 462 Coal contract, 22, 29, 38, 476, 495 Coal conveyors for boiler house, 531, 533 Cobb, Emory, in memoriam, 49, 50 Cochran, Harry R., appointment, 445 Coffey, W. C , appointment, 441 Coffman, Frank, lease from, 515 Cofiman, Lotus D., appointment, 513, 593 Cold storage, horticultural field laboratory appropriation asked, 78 appropriation for, 140,144 Cole, H. W appointment, 6 salary, 497. College presidents, conference of, 68 Collins, Vida L., appointment, 444 Colson, H. W appointment, 513 transfer, 513 Colvin, S. S. leave of absence, 71 resignation, 592 Commandant, request for equipment, 36 Commerce building appropriation asked, 77 appropriation assigned, 534 appropriation for, 140, 144 bids,528 i bids, authorized, 504 : change in floors, 536 contracts awarded, 528 location, 156,. 157, 458, 477 staircase widened, 550