UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 [PAGE 792]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912
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U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S .

[Feb. 17

General University


Date. To whom.


For what. Amount..

1092' Feb. 17 109281 ..do 10929 do 10930 do 10931 . . d o . . . . . 10932 -do 10933 ..do 10934]..do 10935 ..do 109361 ..do 10937 ..do 10938 .-do 10939 ..do 10940 . . d o . . . . . 10941! . . d o . . . . . 10942 ..do


109431 . . d o . . . . . 10944 ..do 10945 ..do 10946 ..do 10947 ..do 10948 ..do 10949 ..do 10950 .-do 10951 .-do 10952! ..do 10953! .-do 10954 ..do 10955 .-do 10956 ..do 10957 ..do 10958 ..do 10959 ..do 10960| ..do 10961 ..do 109621 ..do 10963 ..do 10964 ..do 1096J ..do 10966 ..do 10967 ..do 109681 ..do 10969 ..do 10970| ..do 10971 ..do 109721 ..do 10973 ..do 10974 ..do 10975 -,do 10976' . . d o . . . . 10977 . . d o . . . . 109781 . . d o . . . . 10979 . . d o . . . . 10980| . . d o . . . . 10981 . . d o . . . . 10982]. . d o . . . . 10983 . . d o . . . . 10984 . . d o . . . . 10985 . . d o . . . . 10986 . . d o . . . . 10987 . . d o . . . . 10988 . . d o . . . . 10989 . . d o . . . . 10990 . . d o . . . . 10991 . . d o . . . . 10992| . . d o . . . . 10993 . . d o . . . . 10994| . . d o . . . . 10995 . . d o . . . . 10996| . . d o . . . . 10997 . . d o . . . . 10998] . . d o . . . . 10999 . . d o . . . . 11000] . . d o . . . . 110011 . . d o . . . .

[Corn Grover Leopold Stove, etc W. C. Kruse Lantern slides Keystone View Co Livery bill Paul Daniels Slide box Mcintosh Stereopticon Company. Poultry Mrs. J. W. Bensyl Corn James Asher .Glass and stain.... Bacon Bros Shoes E. T. Benjamin. Ribbons Burroughs Adding Machine Co Book N. Y. State College of Agriculture — Labels Dayton Fruit Tree Lahel Co Fees National Poland China Becord Co Nicofume. Vaughans Seed Store Caps and rings Standard Cap & Seal Company Thermometers Taylor Instrument Company Teaming, etc R. C. Wagner & Son Sewing machines.. Singer Sewing Machine Company Typewriter Smith Premier Typewriter Company. Office supplies P. F. Pettibone & Company. Seedlings. D. S.Lake Corn B. C. Beach & Company L. R. Lang Fee. American Short Horn Breeders Assn. Cards Globe Wernicke Company Photos L. A. Gregory Expenses N. W. Hepburn. Board The Beardsley Hotel Company Bottles.. A. H. Barber Creamery Supply C o . . . Fee American Berkshire Association Pens I. Van Baalen Chicken Pv. L. Dunn Shoeing F. M. Foltz Cement .J. B : Bennett Glass Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co Cutting chain Faries Manufacturing Company Rings Dennison Manufacturing Company... New Jersey Church Furniture Company. Frames Photos Burke & Atwell Framing portraits... Marshall Field & Company Labor and material. J. B. Bennett Repairs Hoskins Manufacturing Company. Hoffman & Kropff Chemical Company.. [Chemicals |Cards Fuller & Fuller Company Apparatus International Instrument Company Rental [Mrs. James L. Reid Electrotype Electric Storage Battery Company Repairs Linde Air Products Company American Steam Gauge & Valve Manufacturing Company Book.. G. Broes Van Dort Company Croby Steam Gage & Valve Company... Springs, etc Gauge Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co Grill ... [The U . S . Electric Tool Company The Pennsylvania Railroad Company.... Book Bulletin. American Railway Engineering Advertising Engineering Record Pails /. Harry Derrough. Ventilator Ideal Ventilator Company Steel. Illinois Steel Company. , Kentucky Tobacco Products Company.. Liquid Mailing cases The U. S. Mailing Case Co Electric stoves and coil.. Simplex Electric Heating Company Proceedings. C. W. Bardeen Books ,...'.. Merwin Clayton Sales Company Wire Baker & Company, Inc . Apparatus. J.G.Biddle Book A. H. Clark Company.Books The H. R. Hunting Company Book J. W. Glover Labor and materials Marrs-Tanner Electric Company.... [Changing hair dryers... Shelton Electric Company Blacksmithing Alex Harmon & Son Oil meal. Byrne & Hasslinger Cow •Mrs. John F. Jolly Subscription IMartindale Mercantile Agency

$ 10 00'

14 20' 1 8ft

7 00-

2 9 447 7

00< 005a 65

5 0G 2 00 4 00'

24 20 4 003 5056 48 21 67 97 5025 92 94 50 3 90'

15 35 68 90' 13 06 1 253 507 50' 11 41. 5 258 85 1 50> 1 50> 2 005 75 4 40> 29 07 8 05. 2 25 18 003 00> 27 70' 64 35 15 43. 1 17 11 25 54 70' 10 0ft 7 90< 3 75. 46 35 4 50*

7 64 60 0O 41 25

5 001 00'

14 82

2 25 4 00' 32 97

15 75 4 32' 27 75. 15 27 15 456 07 23 81

9 25 15 157 47 83* 00 10-

30 5 2 60 10

00 70 75 00 50