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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1911] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. APPROPRIATIONS REQUESTED BY T H E COMPTROLLER. 489 The appropriations requested by the comptroller in Paper I, as mentioned in his letter of transmissal above, were as follows: *Current expenses of telephone exchange for year 1911-12 $ 1,500 00 Interest on Edward Snyder Students' Aid Fund for year '600 00 Principal of loans, Edward Snyder Fund . 3,000 00 Plym Fellowship, year 1911-12. 1,000 00 Rebates to students, year 1911-12 . 4,000 00 Receipts from sale of buildings and rent, Engineering College site 1,399 00 Receipts of blue print department 3,000 00 Receipts of College of Agriculture and Agricultural Experiment ^ Stations 80,000 00 Balance, College of Medicine, Sept. 1, 1911 9,467 31 These appropriations were made by the following vote: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Bahrenbnrg, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Bnsey, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Grout, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Moore; noes, n o n e ; absent, Mr: Anthony, Mr. Deneen, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Meeker. The president of the University presented the following additional m.atters for consideration: AMERICAN MEDICAL MISSIONARY COLLEGE ALUMNI. (1) A letter from Mr. Rowland H. Harris, the secretary of the American Medical Missionary College, requesting that action be taken by the board with a view to making the graduates of the American Medical Missionary College members of the Alumni Association of the University of Illinois. (See page 25 above.) ; This request was referred to the Committee on the College of Medicine for consideration and report. CONTRACTS FOR NEW AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS. (2) The following letter from Dr. Eugene Davenport, dean of the College of Agriculture: UKBANA, I I I . , Sept. 11, 1911. President Edmund J. James, University of Illinois: MY DEAR ME. PEESIDENT—In order to expedite the matter of glass construction (which was referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee for report at the meeting of July 8, 1911 (see page 459), I beg to request— First—That at its coming meeting the Board of Trustees let the contract for the construction of the plant breeding and vegetable house as per plans and bids on hand. Second—That it authorize the supervising architect to proceed with the •construction of a service building for the same. Third—That the letting of the contract for the floricultural addition be referred to the Buildings and Grounds Committee with power. Fourth—That the sum of $30,000.00 appropriated by the General Assembly for glass construction be appropriated by the board for this purpose, and that an additional $20,000.00 from the general agricultural funds be appropriated for the same purpose. Yours very truly, E. DAVENPORT, Dean and Director, * The telephone appropriation is required because the State appropriation of $1,500.00 is for increase •of the exchange and has been expended for that purpose.
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