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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
468 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [Aug. 1 In the course of the discussion of this motion Mr. Grout stated that he had had an interview the day before, on his way to the meeting, with Governor Deneen, and that the Governor had expressed himself very positively in favor of the general policy embodied in the motion. The Governor was quite confident that even if the judge granted an injunction, the General Assembly would cure the defect in the law by the passage of the appropriation of $60,000.00 per annum, and believed that it was very desirable to proceed immediately with the reorganization of the College of Medicine assuming the availability of this fund. President James also stated that when notice .of this injunction had been served, he had called up Governor Deneen by telephone at Springfield from TJrbana and asked him what he thought the board ought to do, and that the Governor said that in his opinion the board should proceed exactly as if there had been no application for an injunction, and use its best wisdom in the application of the funds granted. Mr. Grout's motion was passed by a unanimous vote of the members present. APPOINTMENTS IN COLLEGE OE MEDICINE AUTHORIZED. President James then recommended that he be authorized to appoint Dr. Elias Potter Lyon, now professor of Physiology and dean of the Medical school in St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri, to be junior dean of the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois and senior professor of Physiology in the same, at a salary of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per'annum, work and salary, to-begin Sept, 1> 1911. •• It was voted unanimously that the president of the University be authorized to appoint Dr. E. P. Lyon to the position named on the terms stated. The president also recommended that he be authorized to appoint Dr. Albert Chauncey Eycleshymer, now professor of Anatomy in St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri, to be professor of Anatomy in the] College of Medicine of the University of Illinois, at a salary of four thousand dollars ($4,000.00) per annum, work and salary to begin Septl 1, 1911. It was voted unanimously that the president of the University be authorized to appoint Dr. A. C. Eycleshymer to the position named on the terms stated. EEPORT ON CASE OE GORDON H. SOMERS. The president of the University presented a report from the University Committee on Accountancy concerning a charge of unprofessional conduct brought against Gordon H. Somers, a certified public accountant of Chicago. This report was referred to a special committee consisting of Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey and Mr. Hatch.
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