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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
456 UNIVERSITY OF ILMNOIS. [July 8 Resources Available to Cover Summary of Resources— College funds Station funds Special funds Funds for building Total Appropriations—Concluded. $251,400 198,000 42,500 153,000 $644,900 GRADUATE SCHOOL. Scholarships and fellowships Research Library equipment, maps, charts, etc Incidentals Additional clerical help Journal of English and Germanic Philology. Illinois survey University studies Total. $20,000 5,000 3,000 1,000 200 .750 2,000 1,400 $33,350 (The foregoing are in addition to reappropriations of balances.) LIBRARY SCHOOL. Incidentals Incidental expenses in Summer Session. $1,080 00 SCHOOL OP MUSIC. Incidentals , $1,050 00 SCHOOL OF EDUCATION. Incidentals ". $1,700 00 COLLEGE OP LAW. Law books Custodians (library).. Printing, postage, etc. Total. $4,000 00 600 00 1,500 00 $6,100 00 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Purchase of books Library incidentals Printed catalog cards Card catalog cases Multigraph or printograph Publications Steel book cases Steel newspaper cases Moving books to Lincoln Hall Cheap steel shelves for duplicates. Total $31,795
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