UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 [PAGE 418]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912
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OF I L L I N O I S .

[May 31

General University


Date. To whom.


For what. Amount.

1910. 15447 M a y 311 Fuller & Fuller Co 15448 .. do Andrew Tornquist 15449 .do M. D. Rose. 15450 -do Moser Paper Co 15451 . .do . The Esterline Co 15452 do The Leeds & Northrup Co 15453 do Boston BOOK CO 15454 .do Lemeke & Buechner 15455 . .do. A. W. Erickson Advertising Co 15456 .do Weston Electric Instrument Co 1545' . -do General Electric Co 154581 -do Lewella Swift 15459 . .do Mabel Knight. 15460 . -do American Radiator Co 15461 do Green Engineering Co 15462 .. do Babcock & Wilcox Co 15463 do Paul J. Krez & Co. 15464|. .do Simeon Yelch 15465 do Parlin & Oredorf Co, 15466 ..do Harris & Dillavou. 15467 .do Cutler-Hammer Manufacturing Co. 16468 .do Rider Ericsson Engine Co 15469 .do Electric Appliance Co 15470|. .do The Esterline Co . 15471 do A. C. McClurg & Company. 15472 .. do Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co 15473 :do J. C.Thomas 15474| do Eisner Grocery Company 15475 do Champaign Gas & Electric Supply Co.. 15476 d o . . . . . G. C. W i l l i s . . . . 15477 do S. E. Huff. & Co 15478| d o . . . . . . Louis Ely & Co 15479 .do Ernst Hertzberg & Sons 15480|. .do H. Swannell & Son 15481 do Knowlton & Bennett 154821 . -do Percival & Moorehead. 15483 . .do Jas. B. Clow & Sons 154841 .do Metzler & Schafer Co 15485 do H. W. Johns-Manville Company 15486 do J. W. Butler Paper Co 15487 do. Watson Faulkner 154881 do E. M. Burr & Company 15489 do Illinois State Reformatory, 15490 do |F. K. Robeson 15491 ..do SaffellCo. 15492 ..do Chas. A. Hall Hardware Co 15493 ..do Alexander Lumber Co. 15494 ..do Leavitt Manufacturing Co 15495 ..do George Smalley 15496 ..do Electric Coal Company 15497 . . d o . . . . . J. B. Reed.. 15498 ..do A. L. Moats 15499 ..do P. D. Lom 15500 ..do J. E. Readhimer 15501 ..do University of Illinois Supply Store 15502 ..do G. E. Stechert & Co 15503 do G. E. Stechert & Co 15504 do American Berkeshire Association 15505 ..do American Short Horn Breeders Assn.. 15506 . . d o . . . . Roller Smith Co . 15507 do American Hard Rubber Co. 15508 . . d o . . . . Bullard & Gormley Co 15509 do | J. W. Amrine 15510 ..do Smith & Co 15511 .do |The Anglers Bait & Manufacturing Co... 15512|. . d o . . . . Mrs. Jas. Goodyear. 15513 . . d o . . . . The Short Ballot Organization 15514 . . d o . . . . W. D. Allen, Manufacturing Co 155151 . . d o . . . . Storrs & Harrison Co 155161 . . d o . . . . John O. Smith 15517 . . d o . . . . W. Butler Paper C o . . . 15518 . . d o . . . . Flannigan-Pearson & Co. 155191 . . d o . . . . Elizabeth B. C a s a d . . . . . . . 15520 . . d o . . . . G. B. Brown 15521 . . d o . . . . Jas Brown 155221 ..do H. Forr

Copper sulphate .. Wages, May, 1911. .do. Supplies Rheostats Electric instruments. Books Express •. Slides Meters Supplies , Instruction ..do , Supplies Pipe supplies Repairs Covering Oats , Disc makers Hauling Repairs Supplies... Fuses.... Repairs Books •. Repairs Supplies Salt, e t c . . . Supplies Dry goods Lumber Repairs Books Drugs Supplies do".*I.".*."."."."."!"! Groceries Paint, etc Paper Supplies Repairs.... Printing Sup " Hardware.... Lumber.. Supplies 1... Expenses Coal Expenses Field expenses do do Supplies Books do Fees. Records •:.... Repairs....... Rubber Hardware Bran Ice Frogs Rabbits Book.... Hose and couplings. Plants Repairs Envelopes..... Printing... Wages, May, 1911... do.... do do

$ 27 03 70 00 45 00 5 55 43 13 134 90 6 15 2 83 5 00 88 82 220 50 15 75 22 50 17 00 20 80 26 30

4 21 8 71 15 00 84 05

4 75 4 00 8 00 4 60 113 69 40 10 4 20 1155 7 45 4 25 86 05 5 90 47 66 15 95 70 68 39 30 39 64 4 20 17 60 72 19 9 05 4 65 130 90 22 63 • 42 20 33 14 52 60 12 98 5 53 118 56 30 18 37 85 28 00 34 07 29 16 305 63 239 72 1 00 3 50 6 90 82 66 7 78 299 88 16 00 7 75 6 00 5 00 193 00 45 56 5 00 165 47 175 50 6 50 75 00 45 00 45 00