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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
304 UNIVERSITY OE I L L I N O I S . [Feb, 15 General University No. Date. To whom. Warrants—Continued. For what. Amount. 1911. 15 Harvard Apparatus Co Apparatus 10151 F e b . Ribbons 101521 do Underwood Typewriter Co Mica 10153 . . d o Eugene Munsell & Co Beams 10154 . . d o Jos. T. Ryerson & Son Subscription 10155 . d o . . . . . Engineering News 10156] . . d o Bennett's Newspaper & Magazine Agency . . d o . . . Analysis 10157 do J. M. Lindgren Repairs 101581 do Ferguson & Craig Stools, etc 10159 do Illinois State Penitentiary 10160 do Pantagraph Printing & Stationery Co. Reprints Prisms O. L. Petitdidier.... 10161 . . d o Books , Akademisk Boghandel 10162| .do ..do 10163 . d o . . . . . Effle French Dues Special Libraries Association 10164| . . d o Books 10165 . . d o Luther Tucker & Son. Subscription Mining & Scientific Press 10166 . . d o Instruments W. & L. E. Gurley. 10167 . . d o Ribbons ..do The Hammond Typewriter Co 1016S Force cups R. E. Finley. 10169! . : d o Packing Oarlock Packing Co 10170J . . d o Spring " , Fisher Governor Co 10171 . . d o Paper ..do Whiting Paper Co 10172| Transformer Illinois Electrical Manufacturing Co. 10173 . . d o Balls Nernst Lamp Co 10174 . . d o Sand Weldron White Sand Co 1017 . . d o Castings (J. S. Reduction Co 1017P . . d o Book Heatons Agency 10177 . . d o Papers jThe Illinois Agriculturalist 101781 . . d o Packing Jewell Belting Co 10179 . . d o Storage E. W. Sampson •. 10180 . . d o Carbon paper 10181 . . d o . . . . . . Kee Lox Co r.. Apparatus C. H. Stoelting Co 10182 . . d o Supplies Automatic Electric Co 10183 . . d o Binding '.:. E. Hertzberg & Sons 10184 . . d o Coal Twin City Coal & Coke Co 10185 . . d o Binding E. Hertzberg & Sons 1018P . . d o Hardware T. H. Trevett. 10187 . . d o Papers Chicago Live Stock World 10188 . . d o Washing .' Urbana Steam Laundry 10189 . . d o Tubing, etc The Plume & Atwood C o — 1019OJ . . d o Expenses W. L. Gaines 10191 . . d o ..do E. L. Dillon 1019?| . . d o Services and expanses. E. E. Sandall. 10193 . . d o Expenses: L. R. Lang 10194 . . d o ..do C. M. McConn 10195 . . d o Desks ....' Library Bureau 10196' . . d o Field expenses A. E. Morris 10197 . . d o Expenses 1019* . . d o . . . : . C. C. Logan Field expenses .... J. A. Hacker 10199 . . d o Peter Reustman ..do 10200 . . d o A. N. Lippincott ..do 10201 . . d o Expenses.. C. A. Campbell 10202 . . d o Field expenses 10203 . . d o . . . . ! H. Tellkamp Expenses S.V.Holt 10204 ..do Slides Williams, Brown & Earle 10205 . . d o . . . Allowance The Alumni Quarterly 10206 Feb. Payment on contract.. G. B. Limbert & Co 10207 . . d o . . . Students' payroll.O. E. Stanies, chief clerk 10208 . . d o . . . Coal South Oakwood Coal Co 1020P . . d o . . . Instruments Kueffel & Esser Co 10210 . . d o . . . Supplies :. University of Illinois Supply Store... 10211 . . d o . . . Students' payroll O. E. Staples, chief clerk 10212 . . d o . . . Farniture, etc Mittendorf & Kiler 10213 . . d o . . . Hardware... W. J. Van Petten 10214] . . d o . . . Apparatus Ernst Lietz 10215 . . d o . . . Postage W. W. Lindley, P . M 10216 . . d o . . . Electric supplies Western Electric Co 1021' . . d o . . . Piping Crane Co 102181 . . d o . . . Books A. C. McClurg & Co 10^19 . . d o . . . Ironwork '.. E. M. Burr &"Co 10220J| \ . d o . . . Supplies Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co 10221 . . d o . . . Books G. E. Stechert & Co 10222 . . d o . . . Ironwork Leavitt Manufacturing Co 10223 . . d o . . . Testing coal J. M. Lindgren... — ; 10224 . . d o . . . Scales, etc Fairbanks, Morse & Co 10225 . . d o . . . Apparatus Max M e y e r . . . . . . . . . : 102261 . . d o . . . % 19 75 4 50 1 78 14 51 10 00 20 75 22 00 6 50 93 00 45 00 30 00 19 00 2 75 2 00 10 00 6 00 102 00 1 75 2 50 3 09 1 34 67 00 19 70 3 84 3 30 20 28 1 10 18 00 9 29 90 00 6 75 144 70 41 20 . 99 25 55 18 165 21 20 50 9 00 22 70 44 73 83 60 23 63 41 99 3 22 16 94 81 00 93 43 78 43 165 99 50 60 43 50 19 66 8 87 31 55 23 86 250 00 128 05 213 42 141 89 37 25 218 31 76 85 112 00 17 35 797 75 184 86 192 10 110 35 45 25 86 65 117 68 26 89 95 70 30 00 24 10 246 62
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