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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

162 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [June 22 Paper B—Concluded. March 31,1911. Operating Expenses—Concluded. Furniture and fixtures Geology. Heat and light Law School .Lectures Library newspaper racks Library shelves and stacks. Natural history library Physiology'. .:.... Salaries for instruction : Salaries for services Stationery, advertising and postage Summer session Unassigned. Appropriated. Expended. Balance % 7,743 81 $ 6; 070 19 823 65 823 65 71,145 65 61. 966 52 1,941 92 3,347 93 6,893 58 478 33 478 33 4,206 17 , 4,630 50 5,000 00 1,250 00 703,451 54 585,406 66 133,053 40 115,924 61 18,447 29 21,830 50 24,319 68 24,860 20 "34,580 86 $1,050,000 00 I$840,792 06 $ 1,673 62 9,179 13 1,941 92 3,545 65 424 33 5,000 00 1,250 00 118,044 88 17,128 79 3,383 21 540 52 34,580 86 $209,207 94 $ 1,020 40 3,123 83 978 79 10,487 22 13,351 30 141,606 10 10,957 81 777 77 6,000 00 1,440 56 Orchard treatment Pavements and walks Pharmacy, School of Physics building, 1907-09 •. Shop practice Social and political science Soil examinations : University hall Veterinary College and research laboratory, 1907-09 Water station, 1907-09. Water station, 1909-11 Water survey $ 30,000 00 $ 28,979 60 5,000 00 5,000 00 20,000 00 20,000 00 250,000 00 246,876 17 9,021 21 10,000 00 39,512 78 50,000 00 120,000 00 106,648 70 250,000 00 108,393 90 19,042 19 30,000 00 2,222 23 3,000 00 6,000 00 10,000 00 8,559 44 PAPER C—UNITED STATES F U N D . March 31, 1911. Morrill Fund— Agricultural College General . . Nelson Fund— Agricultural College General Appropriated. Expended. Balance. . . . . , $12,500 00 12,500.00 10,000 00 10,000 00 $45,000 00 $12,500 00 12,500 00 6,834 69 10,000 00 $41,834.69 $3,165 31 $3,165 31 PAPER E — U N I T E D STATES AGRICULTURAL E X P E R I M E N T STATION. March 31,1911. Hatch Fund— Salaries Labor Publications Postage and stationery. Freight and express Chemical supplies Seeds, plants, sundries. Feeding stuffs. Library. ] Tools, implements and machinery Live stock Traveling expenses Contingent expenses Unassigned Appropriated. Expended. Balance. $6,184 81 1,941 39 519 82 277 94 52 19 713 44 208 43 35 15 29 42 42 00 71 90 92 99 25.00 4,805 52 $15,000 00 $6,184 81 1,941 39 519 82 277 94 52 19 713 44 208 43 35 15 29 42 42 00 71 90 92 99 25 00 $4,805 52 $10,194 48 $4,805 52
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