Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
136 U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . T H E SCHOOL OF P H A R M A C Y . * [June 13 DEGREE OF P H A R M A C E U T I C A L C H E M I S T . (Conferred June 10, 1911, in Chicago.) Samuel Charles Anneberg Clifforo" LeRoy Poote Henry William Colson Roy Harry Lower J. Bryce Carpenter (Class of '10) A U T H O R I T Y TO I S S U E E E Q U I S I T I O N S . On motion of Mrs. Bahrenburg the following resolutions were passed: Resolved, That the president and secretary be directed to draw upon the Auditor of Public Accounts such requisitions as the law requires in order that he may issue to the treasurer 'of the University his warrants upon the State Treasurer for the sums of money appropriated by the Legislature to the University of Illinois, or to any of its departments. i . A U T H O R I T Y TO R E C E I V E MONEYS. Resolved, That the treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois is hereby authorized to receive and receipt for all moneys, and to endorse all orders, drafts, and checks due and payable to the said Board of Trustees, or to the said University of Illinois, and especially all drafts drawn by the Treasurer of the United States, payable to the said Board of Trustees, or to the said University of Illinois, on account of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the said University. APPOINTMENTS NOT PREVIOUSLY EEPORTED. Tlie secretary presented the following report of appointments made by President James and not previously reported: Goff, Mary, supervisor in the Summer Session of.the Library School for the six weeks beginning June 26, 1911, and ending August 4, 1911, at a salary of seventy-five * dollars ($75.00) for the six weeks. (June 12, 1911.) Mohr, Herman, stenographer in. the office of the Dean of the Cpllege.of Law from May 1, 1911, to August 1, 1911, at a salary of thirty dollars ($30.00) a month. (May 30, 1911.) CASE OF ORIN K. WAKEFIELD. The following report of Dean O. A. Harker, counsel for the University^ on the case of Orin E. Wakefield vs. The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was received for record: URBANA, I I I . , May 12, 1911. IN R E CASE OF ORIN R. WAKEFIELD vs. T H E BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. To President James and the Board of Trustees: As counsel for the University I respectfully submit my report upon the above styled cause: To the September term, 1910, of the Superior Court of Cook" County, Orin R. Wakefield, a student in the College of Medicine to whom a degree * For the list of persons receiving the degree of Graduate in Pharmacy (conferred April 27, 1911, in Chicago), see pages 106,107.