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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
64 U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . [Jan. 17 The secretary, Mr. C. M, McConn, presented the report of the special meeting of Oct. 15, 1910 and the report of the quarterly meeting of Dec. 13, 1910; both reports were approved. The secretary presented also the report of Mr. H. A. Haugan, treasurer, for the quarter ending December 31, 1910, which was referred to the Finance Committee. After some discussion of the appropriations to be asked from the General Assembly, a recess was taken for luncheon. Afternoon Session, January 17, 1911. When the board met after the recess, the following members were present: President Abbott, Mrs. Bahrenburg, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Grout, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Meeker. President James was present. APPEAL OE JAMES HALL. President Abbott presented a letter from Messrs. Beach and Brown, of Chicago, attorneys-at-law, inclosing a statement in support of the appeal of James Hall from the finding and conclusion of the Board of Examiners appointed under the Accountancy act, refusing to certify to the Committee on Accountancy of the University of Illinois the name of James Hall, who has made application, under the waiver clause of the act, for the degree of Certified Public Accountant. On motion of Mrs. Evans, the president of the board was authorized to appoint a special committee to investigate this case and report. [President Abbott subsequently appointed the following committee: Mr. Hatch, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Abbott,] COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE. Mr. Grout presented a report of the Committee on Agriculture in regard to its visit to various agricultural colleges in conjunction with the committee of representative farmers formed to inquire into the needs of the College of Agriculture. I t was voted that this report be received to. be filed, and that the secretary- supply a copy of it to each member of the board. CO-OPERATION W I T H CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. President James presented communications from Hon. W. B. Moulton, president of the State Civil Service Commission, from Mr. Joseph C. Mason, secretary of the same commission, from Hon. E. G-. Blair, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, from Dean David Kinley, of the Graduate - School, and from Professor S. W. Shattuck, comptroller, concerning the proposition to place the University of Illinois under the general regulations of the. State civil service law, in regard to all appointments to clerical and administrative positions.
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