UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 [PAGE 287]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898
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To whom.

For what.


1897. 36? |Aug. Salary, August, 1897 31 D. Mclntosn 363 C. V, Millar . i .» 364 R. W. S t a r k 385 P a r t salary to J u n e 30,1897 S. W. Shattuek 366 L. P. Breckenridge Salary 3 monhcs, to September, 1897 367 B. F. S t u r t e v a n t Co Final p a y m e n t on h e a t i n g contract. 3HS Asehcroft Mfg. Co Indicator s p r i n g s 369 Yale & Towne M'f'g Co Locks and keys 370 E i m e r & Amend Balance Tubing, etc 371 Bausch & Lomb Optical Co Microscope lenses, etc Bottles, tubing, etc 37? R i c h a r d s & Co 373 Rochester Optical Co Photographic supplies 374 Bolts and iron J o n e s & Laughlin 375 Winslow Bros Co Bronze tablets ,376 J o h n B. Bennett Contract for t u n n e l s 377 Lath P u t n a m Machine Co 378 Crane Co Pipe, tees, etc 379 E n g i n e e r i n g News P u b . C o Advertisement 380 A. P. Cunningham & Son Thermometers 381 J. C. Vaughan Grass seeds, plants, etc 38? Orr & Lockett Rardware Co . . . Hardware .383 Sheldon Brick Go Sand 384 Printing ,385 Home Comfort Heat.& Plum.Co Pipe 386 Union Mfg Co Water, 3 m o n t h s 387 E. H e n r y Oils, etc 388 H u b b a r d & Sons Stertilizers, nails, etc 389 Books., etc G. E . Steohert 390 Mittendorf & Kiler P i c t u r e frames ,391 Watson F a u l k n e r Rubber b a n d a g e s 39? Mosler Safe Co Sate 393 T. H T r e v e t t Sandpaper, etc 394 Lawton & c o Du plicator " ) 395 Typewriter E m p o r i u m Cabinet 396 Agricultural E x p e r i m e n t Stat'n Ditching ,397 Repair shop, Univ. of 111 Labor and material 398 Repair shop. Univ. of 111 399 Chem. Laboratory Chemicals, etc 400 Mechanical d e p a r t m e n t Labor and material 401 Sept . 15 Richards & Co Chemicals 40? The Inter Ocean 403 T r i b u n e Co 404 Smalley Mfg Co Cutter and t h r e a d e r 405 Crosby S t ' m Gage & Valve Co. Castings 406 Chas. T. Wilder Blueprints.. 407 H. >wannell Glass, putty, etc 308 Lumber W. W. Walls & Co 409 Awnings, etc Twin City Electric Co 410 Chas. A. Besore Flooring, etc 411 Petty & Sayers Sand 41? Wm. J. Bolmer Apparatus 413 Soda 414 Champaign Supply Co Nipples, pipes, etc 415 Maltby & Wallace Co Pipe, tees, etc 416 D H. Lloyd & Son Ink 417 J a s . B. Clow & Son Pipe 418 E. H. Sargent & Co Tube 419 A. C. McClurg & Co Stationery, etc 4?0 Chicago Carpet Co Linoleum matting, etc 421 Brunswick Balke Collender Co Chairs, desks, etc W e s t e r n Union Telegraph Co.. Telegrams 42? 4?3 O. S. Blakeslee Platinum wire, etc. 424 J B. Colt & Co L a n t e r n , etc 425 V. W. Shuck Level, etc 426 Library Bureau Contract for book s t a c k s . 427 Contracts for brackets, floors, e t c . . 4?8 G r e s h a m & Lloyd Contract for lighting fixtures 429 F. J. Foote W o r k on batteries, etc 430 E. H. R e n n e r & Bro Work with team 431 J. C. Sedgwick Ventilating Military Hall 43? Vic Beasley Plastering 433 ('hicogo Times Herald Advertisement 434 Chas. Mullendorf Work 435 Smith Premier Typewriter Co. Typewriter and cabinet 436 Contract for p a i n t ' g & calcimining. 437 Balance on horses

$75 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 62 50 1,357 00 10 14 4 74 116 82 84 78 35 26 77 22 20 31 335 00 6,882 57 500 00 175 30 6 88 1 75 19 43 8 04 5 00 8 75 19 34 125 00 6 45 19 60 34 05 8 00 3 75 42 50 2 08 6 37 11 50 2 38 287 26 1,043 17 79 40 355 27 709 16 1 35 3 30 108 50 4 80 48 53 9 56 17 21 45 29 108 83 15 00 14 95 3 25 45 35 38 11 2 95 27 58 1 03 98 82 501 80 1,271 75 3 68 335 50 237 60 3 70 300 00 2,750 C O 1,400 00 90 85 10 50 64 00 256 91 31 20 22 00 138 50 789 27 50 00