UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 [PAGE 163]

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No. To whom. For w h a t . Amount,

I 1897. Salary for 3 m o n h s , February, 1897 1590 Feb. 271L. P. Breckenridge February, 1897 1591| George W. Graham 1592 M. T. Lindsey 1593 [.H.Allen 1594 F. J. Foote .. 1595 Lillie H e a t h 15961 Sue W . F o r d 1597 L. A. Boice 1598 W. F. Marker | 1599 Albert R. Lee 1600| J oe Morrow 1601 C. B. Ewalt 1602! ohn Doughty 1603 Charles A. Kofoid 1604 Miles Newberry 1605 C. V. Millar 16061 D. Mcintosh 1607 Richard Utteuweiler 1608 H e n r y J. E a s t 1609 W. R. Hoffman 16101 L. G. L a t h r o p 1611 J. J. J o h n s o n 1612 I J a m e s T. Shaw 1613; A. S. Golden 1614! B. E. Pond 1615; Philip Schwehm 1616! Grading, etc E\ R. Leal 1617 Signaling device B. V. Swenson 1618 Lumber, etc Charles A. Besore 1619 Drugs B. Swannell 16201 Sheet a l u m i n u m P i t t s b u r g Reduction Co 1621 Creamery P a c k a g e Mfg Co. Bottles, etc 1622 C. A . K o f o i d Petty expenses 1623 Henry T r e v e t t Expanded metal 1624 Charles T. Wilder Blue p r i n t s . 1625 E i m e r & Amend Chemicals, etc 1626, H e n r y J. Greene Thermometers , 1627 Burlington Venetian Blind Co. Blinds : 1628 J. C. Vaughan Seeds 1629 Yale & Towne Mfg Co Locks 1630| Hubbard & Sons Zinc, H a r d w a r e , etc 1631 Walker & Mulliken Stools, chairs, etc 1632 1634 1635 1636| 1637 16381 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 16451 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 March 1652 1653 1654 1655 X656| 1657 1658| 1659 1660 1661 16621 1663 1664 16651

$62 50 100 00 35 00 35 00 75 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 20 00 75 00 20 00 50 00 100 00 20 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 40 00 37 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 27 00 26 64 22 00 37 92 5 40 3 43 5 04 36 42 25 50 70 99 990 45

11 9 1 10 5 30

25 66 73 14 70 32

Twin City Electric Co. Thomas F r a n k s Buffalo Scale Co Watson F a u l k n e r Robinson & B u r r C. H. Baddeley George W. P a r k e r & Son William Price E.H. Sargent&Co E n g i n e e r i n g News Publish'gCo P. P. Smith Wire and I r o n W ' k s The Illini F a u t h & Co T. H. T r e v e t t I). H. L l o y d e & S o n S. W. Shattuck, b u s i n e s s m g r . The Gazette Gustav E. Stechert A. C. McClurg & Co 15 H. M. R. Construction Co Ricker & White P . M . McKay J. J5. Armstrong N. B. Morrison A lex Mc Lean Lucy L. Flower S. A. Bullard Isaac S. Raymond W. L. Pillsbury T. J . Burrill ; Cunningham & Boggs Garvin Machine Co A. D S h a r m l Wesley E. King

Pulleys, etc Flower pots Scales H a r d oil Oven Sauce dishes Cases Calcimining Bottles , Subscription Wire screens A d v e r t i s i n g six m o n t h s , to Feb. 1 L a m p and bracket Galvanized iron, etc. Book Expenses Printing, etc Books Books and stationery On library building contract Architect's commission Expanses

4 30 1 50 48 74 8 75 12 00 2 40 82 54, 133 25 15 97 5 00 60 00 180 00 12 50 33 80 10 50 42 32 192 32 54 96 206 47 6,030 00 150 75 14 80 38 30 30 00 50 46 69 81 11 50

15 50 8 01 Appelate court fees F r e i g h t and repairs on miller Prize debate

6 12 82 20 30 25 50 46 00 00