UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1892 [PAGE 24]

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PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. PAPER E—ESTIMATES—Cone luded. For quarter ending December 31, 1S90. Buildings and repairs Board expense Books and periodicals Botanical apparatus Bulletins Chemical apparatus , Fuel and lights Incidentals Printing, stationery, and postage Salaries Seeds and-trees Tools and supplies "Wagons and teams Sundry— Corn and wheat experiments away from the Station Dairying experiments Exhibit at Peoria Total


$25 40 200 10 300 50 100 25 25 2,00»> 15 50 825

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25 00 50 CO 50 00

$3,7i'0 00

SELIM H. PEABODY, President Board of Direction. T H E LIBRARY. T h e report of t h e standing Committee on t h e Library, of their expenditures for t h e year ending September 1st, is presented. I have to request t h a t t h e expenditure of t h e state appropriation for books and publications for t h e year 1890-91 be reierred to this committee, with power to act, and instructions to report. S T A T E M E N T OF STATE A P P R O P R I A T I O N FOR BOOKS A N D PUBLICATIONS FOR T H E T W E L V E MONTHS E N D I N G SEPTEMBER 1, 1890. 1889. S e p t e m b e r 1st, balance W a r r a n t No. 133—School of Mines Quarterly, 1890 2U—Champaign Countv Gazette, binding 242-A. C. MeCiurg & Co., b o o k s 2 1—Tl e F o r u m P u b . Company, s u b s c r i p t i o n s for 1889 262—D. AppSeton & Co., books.' " 2(53—0. ^ t o n e . s u b s c r i p t i o n *' 264—H W. S m y t h subserip i o n 314—Studies in History a n d Poli?ical Science, 1889 367—A. O. McCl r g & Co., b o o k s 368—Kenyon News Company, periodicals, 1890 386—Carl Sohoenhof, b o o k s 456—Studies in H i s t o r y a n d Political Science, 1890 457—McDonnell Bros., b o o k s 466—F. L. Stebbins, books. 470—Kenyon News Company, s u b s c r i p t i o n s , 1890 548-U. S. P a t e n Office, binding " 549—Franklin I n s t i t u t e , i n d e x 55<»—W. C. P r a t t , book " 567—Brown & Co., index " 572—American E x p r e s s Company, c h a r g e s 619—Fergus P r i m i n g Company, book 638—Society Political Publication, b o o k s 639—McDonnell Bros., b o o k s 640—C. W. B a r d e e n , b o o k s " 641—Publishers' Weekly, b o o k s 642—A. S. Clark, periodicals 699—State of Ohio, book 700—N. Murray, book 701—D. Appleton & Co., book . * 7*2—Carl Schoenhof, b o o k s 703—Grustav E. Stechert, b o o k s 704—A.. C. McClurg & Co., b o o k s . . . 731—American Society Civil E n g i n e e r s , b o o k s 732—McDonnell Bros., b o o k s .-. " 733—American S h o r t h o r n B r e e d e r s ' Association, b o o k s ; " 761—McDonnell Bros., b o o k s . 831—Gustav E . Stechert, books $1,000 00

$2 00 2 00 142 22 2 00 36 00 2 00 2 <-o 3 00 54 33 206 75 3 <<5 3 00 42 50

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31 20 5 00 5 00 5 50 2 95 4 50 3 87 5 00 5 00 10 00 2 83 1 60 1 00 6 oO 60 84 79 81 101 37 63 00 16: 00 11 75 5 00 55 •51,000 00 Agent.

S. W. SHATTUCK, Business