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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
94 DEGREE OF B . L. F e r n a n d o A . Parsons, school of English and modern l a n g u a g e s . Mary C. Steele, F . Adelia Potter, Maggie E . Stewart, George F . Kenower, F r a n k Barry, Charles W. Allen, Eddy O. Lee, J a m e s S. Pollock, Manford Savage, J o h n F . Whitlock, H e n r y W. Zimmerman, E m m a Page, H e n r i e t t a M. Culver, DEGREE OF B . A. J o h n L . Pierce, school of ancient languages. 4t Alfred Gregory, " " Helen B. Gregorv, " ** '• F U L L CERTIFICATES. F r a n k . A. Brown, E d w a r d J . Baker, Ralph Brown, Wm. B. Chandler, E m m a Columbia, Sarah Deardorff, Nannie J. Davis, F r a n k A. Dean, I d a M. E s t e p , Jessie E s t e p . Charles B. Gibson, Theophilus Gaffner, Mary S. Larned, F r a n k H. Lloyde, Aaron H. Moore, J e n n i e C. Mahan, J o h n W. Patchen, Mary L. Page, Abram R. R u t a n , H . W. Sawyer, Martin Sprague, Coler Sim, William F . Spradling, Hosea B. Sparks, Walter P . Ward. P A R T I A L CERTIFICATES. Charles A. Dean, Albert Colvin, E. M. Thorpe, J a m e s M. Wilso FOR MASTER'S DEGREES. N. Clifford Ricker, for the degree of M. Arch. Charles W. Rolfe, ." " M. S. F e r n a n d o A. Parson, " " M. L. Alex. C. Swartz, ** "4 C. E. I r a O. Baker, ** ' C. E. 44 Melville A. Scovell, '* M. S. It was resolved, that the regent be authorized to issue the proper diplomas, and certificates, to all students now entitled and recommended, and be authorized to confer degrees on such students, as have been recommended, and shall give satisfactory evidence of having completed the course of studies entitling them to the same. The board adjourned to meet at 8 o'clock, p. m. EVENING SeSSION. The board assembled on time. Treasurer J. W. Bunn, read the following report, which was acceptsd :
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