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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

11 LIST OF WARRANTS DRAWN.—Continued. FOR WHAT. C. & IT. Gas Co Goodnow & W r i g h t m a n J o h n G. Clark U. S. Express Co W. A . Moore C. E. Roberts W. M. Kennedy I. O. Baker Stock J o u r n a l Co Cleveland P a p e r Co Hubbard & Sons Enterprise Coal Co Richmond & Sons Brown Bro' s C. & U. Gas Co L. V. Manspeaker Backus Oil Co J. M. Gregory S. W. Robinson T. J . Burrill S. W. Shattuck E. Snvder D. C. Taft J. B. Webb J. C. P i c k a r d . . . . N. C. Ricker H. A . Weber J. D. Crawford G. E. Morrow E . L. Lawrence Lou. C. Allen F . W . Prentice P . Baumgras F . A. Parsons I. O. Baker M. A. Scovell C. I . Hays Chas. E Pickard E . A . Kimball J . C. Lewellyn C. E . Gregory A. B . Baker C. W . Williams Champaign Gazette C. G. Carleton G. E . Morrow C. G. Carleton J a m e s Ralph Walker & Mulliken Luddington, Wells & VanSehick Bott, Hammersley & Co — G. Deuerlich Seeley Brown Chicago Floral Co N. C. Terrell & Co Student' s P a y Roll Agricultural D e p a r t m e n t . . . . Winslow & Son Labor P a y Roll J . M. Gregory S. W. Robinson T. J . Burrill S. W. Shattuck E. Snyder D. C. Taft J . B . Webb J . C. Pickard N . C. Ricker H . A. Weber J . D . Crawford G. E . Morrow E . L. Lawrence L. C. Allen P . Baumgras F . A . Parsons I. O Baker M. A . Scovell C. I . Hays Gas bill September Tools 6 short horn heifers Express on castings Hardware Screws Advertising Expense t o Ohio exposition Advertising P a p e r for com' 1 dep' t, currency Iron 7 cars coal 1 bushel wheat Hardware Gas bill for May Soda, brushes etc 1 bbl. Oil Salary, Oct., t 1877 U it 15 thousand impressions currency Files Books Hardware Mason work and repairs 1 doz. office chairs Lumber Flower pots Books and publications S u p ' t service chemical laboratory, Oct Boiler & pipes for green house Material & work, laboratory, Oct October, 1877. F a r m expense, Oct Fine stock Work on grqen house Salary, Oct., 1877 Salary, Nov., 1877!!!!'.!!!'.'.'..'.'.."!'.!!."
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