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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

54 On motion of Colonel Mason, it was voted that a committee, composed of Messrs. Sabin, McLean and J. W . Bunn, be and is appointed to report at the December meeting, upon the financial condition of the farms, and recommendations as to the future plans for conducting same. $20.64 were allowed to Mr. I. 0 . Baker, for expenses to ship and arrange exhibit at the Chicago Exposition. The board took a recess till 8 p. m., to assemble at Doane house. EVENING SESSION. The board reassembled at the hour designated. The regent, Dr. Gregory, then read the following report, which was received. REPORT ON REGENT. To the Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: GENTLEMEN: During the summer, since your last meeting, the several measures directed by you for the improvement of the University buildings, have been carried out with success. The wood work of the corridors of the first two floors of the main building have been grained and varnished, as also the regent's office and lecture room adjoining, the whole expense being less than the appropriation made by you for this purpose. The floors of these two corridors have been oiled. The dormitory building has been put in much better repair than usual, under the care of Mr. Williams, the new janitor, who has taken up his residence with his family in the building. The repairs ordered for the sheds at the shop, have also been made. The main staircase at the main building has been thoroughly supported by columns, in a way to remove all danger of a downfall. The entire expenditure from the state appropriation for repairs &c., is thus far only $1,395 85. The completion of the repairs on the boiler will increase this amount to $1,500, leaving $1,000 for the further expenditures of the year. The chapel very much needs a coat of calcimining, and should have the walls painted to the bottom of the windows. The registers in the platform should also be moved to the front to prevent the blackening of the walls. T recommend also the calcimining of the two corridors already grained. Also the laying of a hard wood floor in the halls of the second story of the dormitory building. The present floor is so much worn, and so rough that it cannot be kept clean; the old floor is also so broken that it will scarcely last through the year without repairs. The expense of a new floor will not exceed $— CABINET AND LIBRARY CASES. The work on the cabinet and library cases is going on satisfactorily, and will come quite within the appropriations made for them. It is desirable that authority be given to go on with the work, so that the shops may not pause when the work already ordered is finished. I communicate herewith the reports of Professors Burrill, Robinson and Morrow, and cordially second their recommendations, as far as the funds at your disposal will allow the expenditures required. I communicate the following appointments made by the executive and other committees and ask their confirmation by the board: Peter Baumgras, instructor in charge of the school of art and design. E. A. Kimball, foreman of machine shop. J. C. Lewellin, assistant in architecture, and foreman in wood working shop. J. E. Gregory, second assistant in chemistry and laboratory. I ask also authority for faculty to employ, when needed, an instructor in elocution, to be paid by fees, approved by the. faculty, such fees to be reported. One of our own former students, who has taken a full course at a reputable institute, can now be had on these terms. T h e committee on janitors made the following report, which was adopted and approved : The committee on janitors respectfully report that they have employed Mr. A. B. Baker, as janitor of the main University building, for the year ending June 30th, 1878, at a salary of forty dollars a month, with the right reserved of discharging him at the end of any month, whenever he fails to give satisfaction. It is agreed that he shall have the use of the rooms now occupied by himself and family, together with his fuel and lights,
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