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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
286 FILICES—FERNS. PLATYCERIUM, Stag Horn Fern, native of Africa, etc. alcicorne, conservatory plant, curious. POLYPOTHUM, Polypody. incanum, native, Lapham. phyllitidis, HarV s Tongue, of Tropical America. lingua, cultivated from J a p a n . a u r e u m , cultivated from West Indies. GYMNOGRAMME, cultivated species. triangularies, California Gold Fern. sulphurea, of West Indies. calomelanos, of tropical America. N O T H O L ^ N A , cultivated species. flavens, from Central America. nivea, from Central America. ADIANTTTM, Maiden Hair. macrophyllum, in hot houses from West Indies. eapillus-veneris, Venus Hair^ in conservatories n o r t h . gethiopicum, in hot houses. c u n e a t u m , from South America. pedatum, Maiden Hair, native, common. PTERIS, Brake. longifolia, cultivated from Florida. oretica, cultivated from Florida. serrulata, cultivated from China. quadriaurita, cultivated from East or West Indies. aquilina, Common Brake, native, common. pedata, cultivated from West Indies and South America. P E L L . ^ A , Cliff Brake. rotundifolio, from New Zealand. hastata, from South Africa. CHEILANTHES, Lip Fern. vestita, native, L a p h a m . tomentosa, native, Vasey. lanuginosa, N u t t ; JoDaviess county, Brendel; Pike, Mead; Jackson, F r e n c h . WOODWARDIA, Chain Fern. virginica, native, Cook county, Babcock. DOODIA, small ferns cultivated from Australia and New Zealand. caudata and aspera. ASPLENIUM, Spleenwort, large species. nidus, Bird's Nest Fern, cultivated from East Indies, etc. trichomanes, native, L a p h a m . ebeneum, native, V a s e y ; St. Clair, Brendel. flabellifolium, cultivated from Australia. furcatum, cultivated from tropical America. thelypteroides, native, L a p h a m . pinnatifidum, N u t t ; J a c k s o n and Marion counties, French; Pope, Schneck. filix-foemina, Lady Fern, n a t i v e , L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. angustifolium, Michx.; in woods, scarce. belangeri, cultivated from Malacca and J a v a . bulbiferum, cultivated from New Zealand. SCOLOPENDRIUM, HarV s- Tongue. vulgare, cultivated from England, but is n a t i v e in New York, etc CAMPTOSORUS, Walking-Leaf. rhizophyllus, native, Lapham. PHEGOPTERIS, Beeeh-Fem. palypodioides, native, Cook county, Babcock. hexagonoptera, native, Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county. ASPIDIUM, Shield Fern, Wood Fern. sieboldii, cultivated from J a p a n . thelypteris, native, Vasey; Cook county, Babcock. molie, cultivated from tropics. spinulosuni, native, V a s e y ; Cook county, Babcock. var. intermedium, Cook county, Babcock. cristatum, Cook county Babcock. goldianum, native, Vasey. acrostichoides, native, common. falcatum, cultivated from J a p a n . noveboracense, Swartz; swamps, K a n e county, Vasey; K a n k a k e e , Hill; Wabash, Schneck; scarce. marginale, Swartz; shady, rocky hillsides, infrequent. CYSOPTERIS, Bladder Fern. bulbifera, native, V a s e y ; common. fragilis, native, L a p h a m ; common. STRUTHIOPTERIS. germanica, native, V a s e y ; Peoria county, Brendel
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