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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

2U H ^ E M O D O R A C E ^ E — B L O O D W O R T FAMILY. ALETRIS, Colic Root, Star-Grass. farinosa, native. Vasey; Cook county, Schneck. Babcock; K a n k a k e e county, Hili; Wabash. I R I D A C E ^ E — L I L Y FAMILY. Flower-de-Luce. versicolor, Larger Blue Flag, native, L a p h a m ; Champaign county; Macauley. cuprea, native, southern Illlinois, Vasey. pumila Dwarf Garden Iris, cultivated from the old world as are the following: germanica, Common Flower-de-Luce of t h e g a r d e n s . sambucina, Elder, scented flower-de-luce. squalens. variegata. florentina, Florence or Sweet Flower-de-Luce. pseudacorus, Yellow Iris. graminea. Grass-Leafed Iris. persica, Persian Iris. 4 'A large genus of o r n a m a n t a l plants, all perennial and h a r d y . " — B r y a n t . PARDANTHUS, Blackberry Lily. chinensis, cultivated from China. SISYRINCHIUM, Blue Eyed Grass. bermudiana, native, L a p h a m ; Champaign county, common. TIGRIDIA, Tiger Flower, planted for s u m m e r flowering. pavonia, cultivated from Mexico. GLADIOLUS, Oorn Flag. communis, cultivated from Europe, hardy. byzantinus, from t h e Levant, h a r d y . biandus, from Cape of Good H o p e . cardinalis, from Cape of Good H o p e . psittacinus, from Cape of Good H o p e ; p a r e n t of G. ganavensis. " T h e r e is probably no one class of plants which promises b e t t e r for t h e f u t u r e . " —Rand. CROCUS, cultivated from the old world. vernus, Spring Crocus. l u t e u s and susianus, Yellow Crocus. sativus, Fall Crocus. 1 'A beautiful race of about t w e n t y species of hardy bulbs, natives of t h e south of E u r o p e and eastern Asia. IRIS, D I O S C O R E A C E J E — Y A M FAMILY. DIOSCOREA. villosa, Wild Yam Root,native, L a p h a m ; Champaign county. b a t a t a s , Chinese Yam, cultivated from China and J a p a n for o r n a m e n t or for its farinaceous roots, sativa, t h e t r u e yam, is cultivated in hot c o u n t r i e s . SMILIACE.E—SMILAX FAMILY. SMIL AX, Green-Brier, Cat-Brier, China-Brier. rotundifolia, Common Green-Brier, native, L a p h a m ; F u l t o n county, Wolf. v a r . quadrangularis, native, L a p h a m . idauca, native, Vasey* tamnoides, native, Vasey; Peoria, county, Brendel herbacea, Carrion Flower, native, L a p h a m ; Champaign county, Macauley. hispida, Muhl, quite common. L I L I A C E J E — L I L Y FAMILY. PHORMIUM, t e n a x , New Zealand Flax. DRACAENA and CORDYLINE, Dragon Trees. ALOE, angulata, variegata and other aloes. LACHENALIA, tricolor, t e n d e r bulb from the Cape of Good Hope. CALOCHORTUS, CYCLOBOTRA, BRODLEA and TRITELEIA. from California, are plants of this family, none of t h e m hardy, and mostly conservatory and not common plants.
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