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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

254 AOANTHACE^E—ACANTHUS FAMILY. Chiefly a Tropical Family. T H U N B E R G I A , , showy flowers. alata, cultivated as an annual, from Africa. ACANTHUS. mollis, occasionally cultivated from southern E u r o p e . DIANTHERA, Water Willow. americana, L . , borders of s t r e a m s and p o n d s , RUELLIA. ciliosa, Pursh, dry grounds. Common. s t r e p e n s , L . , Woods. V E R B E N A C E ^ E — V E R V A I N FAMILY. PHRYMA, Lapseed, a n n u a l . leptostachya, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county, Macauley. VERBENA, Vervain, m a n y hybrids. angustifolia, native, Lapham* Cook county, Babceck. h a s t a t a Blue Vervain, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county, Macauley. urticifolia, Nettle Leaved or Y/Mte Vervain, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county, Macauley. stricta, Hoary Vervain, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county, Macauley. officinalis, European Vervain, naturalized from Europe, Vasey. bracteosa, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. aubletia, native, Lapham, Also culiivated. chamtedrifolia, Original ScarUt Verbena, also n a m e d phlogiflora. tweediana, incisa, teucroides, erinoides or multifida,, and pulchella or tenera, are South A m e r i c a n species, cultivated for o r n a m e n t and "variously and greatly m i x e d . " LIPPIA. lanceolata, Fog Fruit, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. citriodora, (or Aloysia), Lemon Scented or Sweet Verbena. Shrub from Chili. LANTANA, tropical or sub-tropical plants, mostly shrubby, planted out in summer. camara, from tropical America. mixta, from Brazil. nivea, from Brazil. involucrata, from West Indies. sellowiana, of southern Brazil. " A m o n g bedding plants t h e l a n t a n a holds t h e foremost r a n k ; indeed, it is only as a bedding- or s u m m e r blooming plant t h a t it is deserving of c u l t i v a t i o n . " — R a n d . L A B I A T E — M I N T FAMILY. Chiefly herbs with aivmatic herbage. TEUCRIUM, Germander, perennial. canadense, American Germander, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcook; Champaign county, Macauley. TRICHOSTEMA, Blue Curls, annual. dichotomum, Common Blue Curls or Bastard Pennyroyal, n a t i v e . ISANTHUS, False Pennyroyal, low annual. cseruleus, native, L a p h a m . OCIMUM, Sweet Basil. basilicum, cultivated as sweet h e r b from India. COLEUS, t e n d e r tropical plant. blumei, cultivated from J a v a for o r n a m e n t a l foliage, especially its v a r i e t y v e r schaffeltti. " W e t a v e no plant its superior for a mass of c o l o r . " — R a n d . LAVANDULA, Lavender, low u n d e r - s h r u b . vera, g a r d e n lavender, cultivated from southern E u r o p e for its medicinal and other properties. PERILLA, a n n u a l from China and J a p a n . ocimoides, var. crispa or p . nankinensis, cultivated for its foliage. MENTHA, Mint, perennials. viridis, Spearmint, naturalized from E u r o p e , L a p h a m . canadensis, Wild Mint, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. piperita, L . Wet places, not common. LYCOPTTS, Water Horehound, perennial. virginicus, Bugle Weed, native, L a p h a m . euroaepus, native, Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county, Macauley. v a r . sinuatus, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. v a r . integrifolius, Gray. CUNILA, Dittany. marinna, Common Dittany, native, V a s e y . COLLINSONIA, Horse-Balm. , , ^ ^ w canadensis, Rich Weed, Stone Boot, Wabash county, Schenck; Jackson county, French.
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