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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

243 DIODIA, Button Weed. teres, native, L a p h a m . virginica, L., river b a n k s Marion county, Vasey; and southward. SPERMACOCE, Button Weed, glabra, Michx. river banks, Peoria county, Brendel; Fulton county, Wolf; and s o u t h ward . MITCHELLA, Partridge Berry. repens, native, Cook county, Babcock, CEPHALANTHUS, Button Bush. occidentalis, native, Lapham; Cook county, Babcock; Fulton county, Wolf; Champaign county, Macauley; Wabash county, Ridgeway. COFFEA, Coffee Tree. arabiea, cultivated in conservatories. GARDENIA, Cape Jessamine. florida, cultivated as a house plant, from China. HOUSTONIA. casrulea, Bluets, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. minima, native, Lapham. purpurea, native, L a p h a m . v a r . eiliolata, Gray; Marion county, Brendel. angustifolia, native, Gray. V A L E R I A N A C E ^ E — V A L E R I A N FAMILY. Herbs. VALERIANA,:perenuial. officinalis, cultivated from Europe, for its medicinal root. phu, cultivated lor same purpose. pauciflora, native. Gray. edulis, native, Vasey; north, Bebb; Cook county, Babcock. Root eaten by Indians. CENTRANTHUS, Spurred Valerian. ruber. Red Spurred Valerian or Jupiter's Beard, cultivated for ornament, from southern E u r o p e . FED I A, Corn Salad, Lanih Lettuce. radiata, native, Vasey; St. Clair county, Brendel, umbilicata Sulliv. K a n k a k e e county, Hill. DIPSACE^E—TEASEL FAMILY. DIPSACTJS, Teasel. sylvestris, Wild Teasel, naturalized from Europe, Vasey; Champaign county. fullonum, Fuller's Teasel, cultivated from Europe, for the t e a s e l . Useful for carding* woolen cloth. SCAB IDS A, Seahious. a t r o p u r p u r e a , Sweet Seahious or Mourning Bride, cultivated for ornament. C O M P O S I T E — C O M P O S I T E FAMILY. Herbs, or few Shrubs. CYNARA, Aitichoke, perennial, cultivated from Europe. scolymus. True Artichoke, for salad. cardunculus, Gardoon, for cookery and salad. CIRSIUM, Thistle. laiiceolatum, naturalized from Europe, common. pitched, T. a n d G . , lake shore n e a r Chicago, Vasey; Babcock. arvense, Canada Thistle, naturalized, Vasey; Cook county, 1 Babcock. Reported to the state board of agriculture in 1872 and 1878 as occurring in Boone, Bureau, DuPage, Kane, LaSalle. McHenry. Sangamon and Winnebago. Perennial; not so much of a pest us in t h e soils of the eastern states. pumilum, Pasture Thistle, native, L a p h a m ; biennial. muticum, Swamp Thistle, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock; perennial. altissimum, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. C h a m p a i g n c o u n t y . Biennia or perennial. virginianum, native, L a p h a m ; perennial. var.philipendulum, southern Illinois prairies, Engelman. discolor, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county; biennial. LAPPA, Burdock, biennial weed. officinalis, naturalized from Europe, common. CARTHAMUS, Safflower. Saffron. t i n c t o r i u s , cultivated from the Orient for a dye. CENTAUREA, Star Thistle. cyanus, Bluehottle, adventive from Europe, Vasey; Champaign. cineraria; or C. candissima, cultivated from southern E u r o p e . Not hardy n o r t h ; perennial. americana, cultivated from Arkansas and Texas, a n n u a l . cyanus, Bachelor's Button or Cornflower, cultivated from Europe, biennial and perennial. montana, cultivated from Europe, perennial. amberboa. Sweet Sultan.
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