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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

HYPERICUM, St. John's-wort. pyramidatum—native, Lapham. kalmianum—native, Vasey; Cook county, Babcock. proliflcum—native, L a p h a m . adpressum—native, Vasey; St. Clair county, Brendel. dolabriforme—native, Vasey; St. Clair county, Brendel. nudiflorum—native, Vasey; St. Clair county, Brendel. spha?rocarpon—native, Lapham. ellipticum—native, Vasey, St. Clair county, Brendel. perforatum—naturalized from E u r o p e ; Cook county, Babcock. corymbosum—native, Lapham, Cook county, Babcock; Champaign, Macauley. mutilum—native, Lapham, Champaign county. var. gymnanthum, Grav—Kankakee county, Hill; Hancock, Mead; Mason and Menard, Bebb, Hill. canadense—native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. var. major, Gray—Hancock county, Mead; Kankakee, Hill, and n o r t h . drummondii—native, Lapham. sarothra, Orange Grass or Pine Weed—native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. ELODES, Marsh St. John7 8 Wort. virginica—native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. petiolata—native, Vasey; St, Clair county, Brendel. ELATIISTACEM—W A T E R - W O R T FAMILY. Little Marsh Annuals. ELATINE, Water-Wort. a mericana—native. Gray. BERGIA. tGxaiia, Seubert—St. Clair county, Engelmann. Described in K i n g ' s report, vol. V . T A M A R I S C I N E . E — T A M A R I S K FAMILY. Shrubs or small Trees of the Old World. TAMARIX, Tamarisk. Ornamental shrubs, e t c . Gallica—French Tamarisk. Barely hardy north. CARYOPHYXLACEM—PINK FAMILY. DIANTHUS, Pink. barbatus—Sweet William or Bunch. Pink—perennial. Cultivated from Europe. carthusianorum—perennial. Cultivated from Europe. chinensis, China or India pink—cultivated from the east. caryophyllus, Glove Pink—Perennial, parent of Carnations, not hardy. plumarius, pheasants eye or plumed pink. Perennial. superbus—perennial. All the above are cultivated from abroad for o r n a m e n t . LYCHNIS—all foreign and all b u t first, perennials. githago, Corn Cockle—adventive, Vasey; Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county. coronaria, MuUc-n Pink—cultivated for o r n a m e n t . iios-jovis—cultivated for ornament. chalcedonica, Maltese Cross—cultivated for ornament. grandiflora—cultivated for ornament, from China. noscuculi. Bagged Robin—cultivated for ornament. ARENARIA, Sandworts. stricta, Michx—not uncommon. Champaign county and northward. lateriflora L.—Woods, Hancock, Mead; northward, r a r e . vespertina—cultivated for ornament. SILENE, Catch-fly. stellata, Ait. Champaign county. armeria, Sweet William—cultivated from E u r o p e . virginica, L.—n e a r Chicago, Babcock. antirrhina, L . , Sleepy Catch-fly—native, Lapham; Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county. nivea, DC—found in many p a r t s of state, b u t r a r e . inflata, Smith, Bladder Campion—naturalized from Europe, in wheat fields. regia, Sims—St. Clair county, Brendel. R a r e . VACCARIA, Cow herb—annual. vulgaris, adventive from Europe, Vasey; Cook county, Babcock. SAPONARIA, Soapwort—perennial. officinalis, Bouncing Bet—adventive from Europe, Vasey; Cook county, Babcock. GYPSOPHILA, ornamental plants from Europe and east. paniculata—perennial. elegans—annual.
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