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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PLANTS OF I L L I N O I S . NATIVE, INTRODUCED AND CULTIVATED. This is simply an a t t e m p t t o compile from such authorities as were accessible, t h e list of native, introduced and cultivated plants of Illinois. 4 4 G r a y ' s M a n u a l , ' ' and * ' Field, Forest and Garden B o t a n y , ' ' have been gone t h r o u g h and the Illinois plants noted. Other authorities consulted have been: I . A. Lapham in 2nd volume transactions Illinois state ag-ricultural society; Fred. Brendel and M. S. Bebb in the 3d volume; Geo. Vasey in t h e 4th volume; H . H. Babcock in the Lens; MS. list of Mr. Macauley, of Champaign, and others. The compiler is no botanist, b u t simply working from the practical standpoint, and endeavoring to show t h e possibilities of plant culture, agricultural and horticultural, in Illinois. W. C. FLAGG. The species and varieties having the abbreviation of the a u t h o r ' s n a m e after them, have been added to Mr.Flagg' s list. These additions—252 species and varieties—are from, for the most part, H . H. P a t t e r s o n ' s catalogue of t h e plants of Illinois; otherwise as mentioned in the text. When no authority is named for t h e occurrence of a plant in any locality the undersigned is to be understood. The catalogue is believed to be almost complete, so far as the indigenous and commonly cultivated flowering plants a r e concerned. Corrections and additions will be thankfully received by t h e undersigned. CHAMPAIGN, I L L I N O I S , September 30, 1878. T. J. BURRILL. RANUNCULACE^E—CROWFOOT FAMILY. CLEMATIS, Virgin's Bower—Mostly climbers. floi ida—cultivated from J a p a n . Not hardy. patens—cultivated from J a p a n . H a r d y . viticella. Vine Bower—cultivated from Europe. Hardy. graveolens—scultivated from Thibet. Very hardy. viorna, Leather Flower—native, Lapham. pit cheri—native. Lapham. integrifol la—cultivated sparingly from E u r o p e . ereota, Upright Virgin's Bower—cultivated from Europe. flammula, Sweet Scented Virgin's Bower— Europe. virginiana—native, L a p h a m . Cook county, Babcock. HEPATICA, IAverwortr—Stemless low perennials. triloba—cultivated from Europe and native, L a p h a m ; Will county, Babcock; Champaign county. acutiloba—native, Vasey; Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county. ANEMONE, Wind Flower—Erect herbs. caroliniana, Walt.—Ogle county, Bebb; and southward. Scarce. cylindrica, Gray—dry prairies, eto. Not common. virginiana, L.—not uncommon. Champaign county. pennsylvanica, L. —common. Champaign county. nemorosa, L. —woods, not uncommon. Champaign county. Pulsatilla, pasque flower—cultivated from E u r o p e . patens, var. imttalliana—native, Bebb; L a p h a m . coronaria—cultivated from south Europe. hortensis—cultivated from south Europe.
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