Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

151 acid ; a Dove's polarizer, with a complete suit of accompanying apparatus ; a Geissler's mercurial air p u m p ; Hoffman's apparatus for illustrating in the lecture-room the composition of compound gases ; a Soliel-Scheibler's saccharimeter of the most recent and approved construction; an excellent set of areometers; a Hauy's goniometer; a camera with Ross' lenses; a Ruhmkorff's coil; galvanic batteries of Grove and Bunsen; also a potassium dichromate battery, a galvanometer and a thermo-electric pile, a spectroscope and a large binocular microscope; two additional chemical balances, peculiar in the shortness of their beams, and remarkable for their accuracy and rapidity. Also an extensive set of metallurgical apparatus, consisting of models of furnaces, etc., and a full set of photographic apparatus. The library of the school is rich in complete sets of standard scientific works; the Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie; the Jahresbericht ueber die Fortschritte der Chemie; Dingler's Polytechnic Journal; the Handwoerterbuch der Chemie; Percy's Metallurgy; Silliman's Journal. See table of contents for the list of periodicals taken. SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY COURSE. Required for degree of B. S. in school of chemistry. F I R S T YEAR. 1. 2. 3. Chemistry and Laboratory Practice; Trigonometry and Advanced Geometry; British authors or French. Chemistry and Laboratory Practice; Analytical Geometry; American authors or French. Organic Chemistry and Laboratory Practice; Calculus or Free-hand Drawing; Rhetoric; French (optional). SECOND YEAR. 1. 2. 3. Laboratory Practice ; Physiology; German. Laboratory Practice: Zoology or B o t a n y ; German. Laboratory Practice ; Zoology ; German. THIRD YEAR. 1. 2. 3. Laboratory P r a c t i c e ; Mineralogy; German. Laboratory Practice; Physics ; German. Laboratory Practice ; P h y s i c s ; German. FOURTH YEAR. 1. 2. 3. Laboratory W o r k ; Mental Science; Meteorology and Physical Geography. Constitutional H i s t o r y ; Laboratory W o r k ; Logic. , Political Economy ; Geology; Laboratory work and Thesis.