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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. For the payment of taxes $3,000 per annum. For ordinary repairs and improvements.. 2,500 " " For chemical and physical laboratory 1,000 " " For mechanical, engineer and architecture shops. 1,500 " " For cases for cabinets and library 5,000 For books and apparatus, (agricultural and other departments) 5,000 7. For fence 2,000 8. For new chemical laboratory building 25,000 9. For refitting dormitory buildings for use of young women students 25,000 These last two items were given as rough estimates. Plans and estimates have now been carefully prepared, and it is found that the amounts required will be a little larger than those given, but if the legislature will authorize the appropriation for the freight on materials, they can probably be constructed with these appropriations. But there will be needed also money to furnish and fit up both buildings. This leaves out of account the appropriations which will soon be needed for current expenses, when your investments are reinvested, as they soon must be, at lower rates. This question will become within the next two or three years the most serious of all. Perhaps by that time the legislature will be willing to follow the example of Michigan and Wisconsin and give to the University a regular income from a fixed tax of one-tenth or one-twentieth of a mill on the dollar of valuation. If the state will carry out the policy begun, and require the investment of the funds to be made in state bonds, and will itself take the funds and issue the bonds therefor, it will give great stability to the finances of the University, and simplify our work on this side. Ought not a separate memorial to be made on this subject and laid before the governor and through him before the legislature? The state has assumed an important trust and has built for itself an important interest. I t seems fitting that it should at once be asked to consider the full import of this trust, and this interest, and adopt a wise and permanent policy concerning it. GREEN HOUSE. Another item omitted from the list of appropriations desired, is that of the removal and reconstruction of the green house. You have directed estimates to be made for this removal, but the cost being too large for our present means, I think it was determined by the board to ask an appropriation for it. If the laboratory is built as proposed, to the south of the present main building, the green house should also be removed to these grounds. LIBRARY. T h e report of the librarian will show you some wants in this direction. An appropriation of $300 is needed for periodicals and binding. The catalogue has been prepared and will be submitted for publication in the annual report.
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