Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

\o INSTRUCTORS AND ASSISTANTS. K CLIFFOED EICKEE, Instructor in Architecture. CHARLOTTE E. PATCH IN, Instructor in Free-hand Drawing. JAMES D. CRAWFORD, Instructor in Ancient Languages. ALEXANDER G. SWARTZ, Assistant in Civil Engineering and Foreman of Carpenter Shops. OHAELES L HAYS, Florist and Assistant in Botany. PAKAJIOTTIS GENKADIUS, Assistant in French. ELNA A. ROBINSON, Assistant in Mechanical Engineering and Foreman of Maciiine Shops. JAMES P. CAMPBELL, Assistant in Mathematics. GEORGE E. SHAWHAN, Assistant in Mathematics. MELVILLE A. SCOYELL, Assistant in Chemical Laboratory. ARTHUR M. BARNES, Assistant in Chemical Laboratory. FERNARDO A. PARSONS, Assistant in Book-keeping. CHARLES P. J E F F E R S , Assistant in Chemical Laboratory.