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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Illinois Industrial University. 61 A bill of B». Peacock, for sundry lumber, was referred to Mr. D. Gardner for report at next meeting) and so was also the recommendation of Mr. Lawrence, the Farm Superintendent, in regard to exchange of 40 acres of University lands. The following bills were audited, and warrants ordered to be drawn on the State appropriation for furnishing building: 0. K. Eicker, $267 31, for drawing tables. J. Davis Wilder, $60 43, for blackboard. The statements of the Mechanical and Carpenter shops were read and approved. Mr. Cobb, chairman of the committee to* report on the employment of a Professor of Agriculture, reported that for this year instruction in the various brandies of learning bearing on agriculture had been provided for, and that the services of a Professor will be secured as soon as possible. A committee consisting of the Regent, Architect and Business Agent, was directed to inquire into certain damages caused to the University building by the overflowing of tanks, chargeable to the company furnishing the steam heating apparatus. Adjourned to meet at the call of the President. E. SNYDER, Recording Secretary,
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