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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

128 Report of the STATISTICAL TABLES. Area and Improved Acres in the United States, 1870. Area—square miles. Acres improved to each square mile. 99.8 35 6 32 9 346 6 329 3 12 4 117 7 348.8 298 8 170.7 24 2 215 0 49.4 83 3 261 9 222 5 108 0 27.7 89 2 139.7 Improved land —acres. Alabama Arkansas California Connecticnt Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts... Michigan Minnessota. Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. New Jersey New York N o r t h Carolina. Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania. ... Rhode Island South Carolina.. Tennessee Texas Vermont Virginia W e s t Virginia.. Wisconsin 50, 722 52, 198 188, 981 4, 750 2, 120 59 268 58, 000 55, 410 33, 809 55, 045 81, 318 37, 680 41, 346 35, 000 124 11, 800 7, 451 56, 531 83, 156 47, 350 65, 995 75, 125 104, 280 9, 320 8, 000 47, 704 50, 764 39, 274 95, 46, 000 1, 306 34, 000 600 45, 356 274, 10, 212 38, 348 23, 000 53, 924 5,062,204 1, 859, 821 6,218,133 1, 646,752 608,115 736,172 6, 831, 856 19, 329, 952 10,104,279 9, 396, 467 1, 971, 003 8,103, 850 2, 045, 640 2,917,793 2, 914, 007 1, 736, 221 5, 096, 939 2, 322,102 4,209,146 9.130,615 647, 031 92, 644 2, 334,487 1, 976, 474 15, 627, 206 5, 258, 742 14, 469,133 1,116, 290 11, 515, 965 289, 030 3, 010,539 6,843,278 2,964, 836 3, 073, 257 8,165, 040 2, 580, 254 5, 899, 343 188,194, 616 8.5 .8 251.5 237 5 332 4 103 7 362.0 11 7 250 3 221 3 80 8 150 0 10 8 300.9 212 9 112 1 109 4 52 2 Classification 360 a c r e s and o v e r . 320 •' 280 ' 4 '' 240 «' 200 " 160 " 120 • ' 80 ' 4 ** 40 *4 U n d e r 40 a c r e s of States, According to Acres, per Square Mile in Cultivation. Ohio C o n n e c t i c u t , D e l a w a r e , Illinois, N e w Y o r k Indiana, Vermont Maryland, N e w Hampshire, Pennsylvania Kentucky, Massachusetts, N e w Jersey, Khode Island, Virginia Iowa Missouri, Tennessee. A l a b a m a , Georgia, M a i n e , M i c h i g a n , M i s s i s s i p p i , N o r t h Carolina, S o u t h Carolina, W e s t Virginia, W i s c o n s i n Louisana A r k a n s a s , California, F l o r i d a , K a n s a s , M i n n e s s o t a , N e b r a s k a , N e v a d a , Oregon, Texas
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