UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874 [PAGE 12]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874
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Beport of the

Names of



Course. Post Office Address. County. Cook. Sangamon. McHenry. LaSalle. Champaign. McHenry. Carroll. Hamilton. Carroll. Champaign. Whiteside. Douglass. Cook. Champaign. Bureau. Champaign. Hancock. Union. Union. Champaign. Sangamon. Champaign. Ogle. Clinton. Putnam. LaSalle. Union . Champaign. Douglas . Champaign. MarshallWhiteside. Hancock. Will. Piatt. Ogle. Woodford. Boone. Effingham. Champaign. Cook. Vermilion. Champaign. LaSalle. Champaign. Cnmborland. St. Clair. Macon. Champaign. Clinton. Kane. Cumberland. Clay. Champaign. Lake. Champaign. Henry. Tazewell. Champaign.

Buckingham, ¥ m Bullard, Samuel A Bumstead, James Edward Burgess, M. W Butterfield, Albert M Butterlield, L T Byrd, Oliver Wilson Campbell, George Duncan Campbell, John P Campbell, R. A Carpenter, E Carr, James W Chandler, Wm. B Chase, Willis S Cheever. George H Childs, Joel Goodell Clark, Charles Wright Clark, J. C Clay, John Ridgway Clay. Luther G Cleveland, Harry Clendenen, Taylor Codington, Vaiitile William Coif man, Noah Berry Colditz, William D..' Collins, Daniel Prather Colvin, Albert Cook. Phineas Sylvester Cowdery, George Sabin Cowen, R. H Crawley. John Joseph Crayne, W. H Culver, Lucien M Cushing, John Jenckes Davis, Leroy Dean, Arthur Abbott Dighton, John N Dimon, Jacob V Dobson. Franklin Pierce = . Drake, James Frederic Drewry, Ebenezer L Dnnlap, Burlegh Arthur Dunlap, Henry Dunning, Albert Davis, John M Eaton, Herbert Elliott. Charles Gleason Ells, William Cushing Estep, Harvey C E verhart. Winfield Scott Eyman, |\Valter Earns worth, David Farson, John W Faulkner. James Faulkner, Richard Douglas Ferguson, William Duuan Fesseinlen, Arthur L. Fidler, WilHam Allen Filson, William F Foster, Charles William Fox, Nathaniel M Fredenbur, John W Fredenbur, W. M Francis, Fred Gabriel, Gregory Gaither, Charles Gardiner, William Rodney Garst, J Gennadiua, Panajiottis Gibson, Charles Brockway Gilkerson, Hiram Gilkerson, John Gill, Joseph A Gill, John David Gillen, Elijah Fisher Gillette, Stephen Loren Garrod, Janes A Glass. Wilbur Smith Gore, Fred. Harry

Chicago 1 M E . &Mil Mecbaniesburg... 2 Ag'l 1 El Marengo 1 I El Tonica , Champaign 1 I Ag'l Marengo 2 C. E. &Mil Ladoga, Ind 1 Com. & Mil Mt Carroll 2 El McLean sboro 4 M E Mt Carroll 2 El Champaign 1 Ag'l Fen ton 2 L:&S Bourbon 2 Agl Chicago 4 lEl Champaign .2 El 1 L. & S Buda.....' Champaign 2 c.c Elvaston 2 L. & S Cobden ME 1 Cobden 3 Hor. & Mil Champaign 3 L. & S Dawson 1 I Ag'l Menomonee, Wis. 3 Arch 1 'Nat. Hist TJrbana Rochelle 1 El Clement 1 El Mt Palatine 1 Com 1 L &S Earlville .1 C E Cobden 2 C E.'&Mii"'.'.".'.. Champaign Tuscola 3 E. L Champaign .4 E L Henry 1 Com Sterling 1 M. E. &Mil Hamilton 1 E L 1 Mil. & E 1 . . . . . Juliet 1 L. and S. and Mil. Monticello 2 L. and S Creston 3 C. E. and Mil. . . . . Minonk 3 L andS Belvidere 4 El Mason 3 C E Savoy 4 El Champaign 2 C. E Jefferson Rossville 1 El Philo 3 Ag'l Tonica 1 C E Champaign 4 C E Kantoul 4 C.E 3 L and S. and Mil.. Neoga Believille 3 Arch Blue Mound 1 El and Mil Champaign 2 El Clement 4 Hor. and Mil 1 jAg'l and Mil C ement St Charles 2 Hor Xenia, Ohio t M E 2 L and S j Neoga Xenia. 21 Ag'l Champaign 4\ EL 1 j and S and Mil Hainesville L. Urbana II L and S TJrbana 1 El. Kewanee 1 jEl Armenia, Asia Minor. 41 Ag'l Pekin 1 El j Mahomet 2 ('hem ! Champaign 1 Bf | Athens, Greece 4 Ag'l ! Springfield, Vt 1 Chem. and Mil | ISTey 2 Ag'l and Mil 2 EL •Nev. Springfield 2 Com Antwerp, New York . 3 L. and S. Champaign 2 EL Aurora 1 El. and Mil Keenville II El l| L and S and Mil Marengo 2i C. E. and Mil. . . . Byron

DeKalb. Sangamon. Champaign. Kane. Wayne. McHenry. Ogle.