Caption: Engineering Open House Guide - 2007 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1 EOH 2007 Squiggly Rivers of the Earth Exposed! Location: Room 1520 This exhibit is suitable for: All Loomis Laboratory 1110 W. Green, Urbana Map Code: L9 The Loomis Laboratory of Physics is home to the Department of Physics. IAHR The project displays a model of a meandering river. This model is currently being used to perform state-of-the-art research on flow in meandering rivers. Come see research in action! Location: Room 1504 This exhibit is suitable for: All Loomis Lab African Americans in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Quiz Bowl The Hazards of the Modern Spillway IAHR This demonstration examines the incredible increase in energy as flow overtops a spillway. Location: Room 1504 This exhibit is suitable for: All NOBCChE Come learn about blacks in the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering! Win prizes!!! Location: North Lobby outside room 151 This exhibit is suitable for: gs, adult AIChE Exhibits The Perfect Storm IAHR Think you have what it takes to design a ship to battle the elements of the open ocean. Come build your own aluminum foil boat and test it in our enormous wave tank to see it if survives Mother Nature. Location: Room 1504 This exhibit is suitable for: All AIChE Location: North Lobby outside room 151 This exhibit is suitable for: All Augmented Reality Why does the Chicago River Flow Backwards IAHR The Chicago River is often reported as “flowing backwards” in the winter. This project uses a scale model of the Chicago River to expose the phenomena associated with two fluids of different densities flow on top of each other. IEEE Come explore the world of augmented reality. Virtual reality is so 90’s. Audience will have a chance to participate in an augmented reality and print off and take home a picture of themselves in an augmented reality! Location: Northwest Stairwell This exhibit is suitable for: All Bubble Room Physics Society Here children of all ages can play with and explore bubbles. Come find out what shapes you can make. Location: Room 137