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Caption: Book - Report on Need for Campus Recreation Facilities (1947) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
-5j .late over-all recreation policies, coordinate the work of the several agenci conducting recreation programs, stimulate the development of neglected of Icti vity, and maintain oversight over the total program. In support of this proposal, attention is called to the fact that as matters stand It ; sent the University's table of organization does not include a unit of this kind. It is true that the University sponsors a number of special organizations, such as, the Athletic Association, the Illini Union, etc., which sponsor particular -ams; but, these organizations operate independently and carry on restricted pr rams. There is no assigned responsibility for considering the total program. ihe net effect of this loose organization is: (a) The recreational needs of the University are frequently overlooked at the upper levels of planning. (The practice of locating buildings on playing field sites without providing replacement fields illustrates the point.) (b) The recreational needs of the campus have been dealt with in a haphazard piece-meal fashion. All of which has contributed to the development of the current unbalanced, inadequate program. The present situation can be corrected only through the creation of an agency charged with the responsibility of planning and overseeing the total program, 2. Appoint a full-time Recreation Coordinator. This position should be s-t up in the office of the Dean of Students. To insure competence the appointee should have a background of professional training and experience in recreation. The Crcrdinator should be made an ex-officio member of the Recreation Council and should serve as secretary to the Council. His duties would be to maintain a working relationship with all agencies promoting recreational programs, serve as an intermediary in clearing conflicts and disputes between agencies, suggest ways and means for organizing programs for neglected groups, suggest ways and means for expanding neglected or under-developed activities, assist agencies in the development of programs, and carry out any other duties that may be assigned by the Council. Special note is made of the fact that this officer could be particularly useful in festering recreational programs for graduate students (2,U00 in 19h7-U8, more in the luture), who because of internal organizational conditions do not fit into the existing recreational pattern and thus are in greatest need. 3. As soon as practicable, return to their normal uses those recreation facilities which are now* devoted to other uses. This includes the Old Gymnasium, the Skating Rink, and the Military Drill Field. The return of these facilities ktild materially alleviate the existing situation. h. Provide additional recreation facilities as soon as practicable. All of the e dence presented to the Committee indicates that most existing facilities crowded to capacity and, further, that there is a pressing need for additional facilities. In considering the question of what additional facilities should be proided, the Committee reviewed the findings of its several studies and then formulated a 1 t of the more important items. The Committee is of the opinion that all of the ite«fl listed are worth while and desirable, but, assuming that all cannot be proded at once, has adopted the course of indicating priorities. (Numbers indicate I rlty r k. Order of listing has no significance.) • ^ ' and Crafts r.i 1 Hobby work shop including wooH working metal work g leather working jc work / : I i l rooms for lapidary workdrawing p nting sewing photography storage »•*«>.** * *
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