Caption: Convocation - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
soon thorn subjected l'\ competent minds i > the sorutin) ol < severe h ic and they have boon compelled to justify tln-m solves to the common sense and ex] nee I men What will your generation do in politic Will j u overthrow domociacx for some abandon* 1 l nil of [ eminent or for some one of the newer forms? In spite oi its defects, I foi my pari see no reason to think that im etter form oi government than the democratic republi or representative overninont. is likely to be devised, it do foots are removable by education and education onl] using* that word to include improvement oi character a: well as oi mind. As to world relations, you, oi course. lik< this generation, believe in permanent peace and will Ai"> all you can t »ring it about. The spirit of nationalism is stronger than ever before, 1 ich nation has an individuality o\ its own The problem will he to federate these vari us national units into some such combination as wo ha\ made oi th( separate States oi the Union, I believe that that federation will com< and that it will fall to you in some degree tv promote its progress, It almost seems as if the final meeting of the civili ations oi the East and the West will he on the Padfi (Venn. Whether that meeting will become a conflict on a lai er s tie like that in which Charles Martel on the plain < o\ Toms in the eighth century prevented the overwhelm ing oi v stern civilizations 01 whether it will 1 a peaceful meetin . continuing the separation or providing inter mingling on terms determine 1 by wise counsel to the CI mon advantage oi both, mav depend larereh on von. As is rapidly becoming westerni ed in resp< I to its AA^ n f the material and scientific characteristics of 0< ntal ivili ation, When its development in this directi has vcu full) ac uuplished the crisis will be at hand. W h n tb wi lorn of men is tested then to prevent a hole ausl r Dl mot 1 culture, you should be ther Phei is much t< r lidforformei President Taft's view, ex] the outbreak I the World War and having n elati u. ili rei nstitutions or controversies that hav< { io )