Caption: Convocation - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
experiment, The discovery that the germ of yellow i er was carried by a certain kind of mosquito made possible our construction of the P a n a m a Canal. It is said that while our French friends were attempting this one man was sacrificed for every cubic yard of earth removed. Progress in the use of anesthesia has been marked. Local and regional anesthesia arc recent. Plastic surgery, skin and hone grafting and many other surgical processes are recent. Conditions of living for the great mass of our people have improved. Less than thirty years ago about 8 per cent of factory workers had a forty-eight hour week, d i n latest available data showed 50 to 60 per cent working forty-eight hours or less. Meantime, wages have risen 30 to 35 per cent. T h e risks of industry have been diminished by compensation laws and safely devices and regulations. Greater care is taken to provide i^ood working conditions. As to education, the enrollment and length of the school year have both increased beyond precedent. Tin number of college and university students has multiplied five times in thirty years. The number of secondary students has multiplied six times. Meantime, population has not quite doubled. Advance in material prosperity has been accompanied with changes in scientific theory and in men's views on politics, religion, and culture. Perhaps the science of physics or physical chemistry is the field in which the most Startling changes have occurred in the past thirty years, although astronomy is not far behind. A great volume of new facts about the structure oi matter has been collected. Scientists have tried to formulate the laws of their action. In doing this they first pic tured a minute system of bodies somewhat similar to outsolar system. Later it became evident that such an analogy < r picture does not lit all the facts. Consequently we are > now in a period where instead of comparing the structure if the atom to the solar system the physicists have 1 esorted to mathematical formulas for an explanation, In astron •my new theoi ies were developed on the basis of Einstein's ( 5 )