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Caption: Convocation - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
YOU AND YOUR GKNl'K \ HON | [ \ the whole record of time then pi obably i no nturj I whose first third has seen such a profound han in J l the mode ol life and thought oi the world at lai than has the first third ot the pn nt century, rhere maj hav< h en changes as startling in charactci in pro us p i < However, the) were not o numerous noi fai hinj n tHi i effe< I on the world at lai ge in a imilar 1 time i\a tov^ thousand \<\\\> facilit i s in industi \\ ti an tion, and communicati n remained practi ill\ the anu all over the world until about a centur) ago, w hen a new era of m hanical pn ress b an, based on stt i V w < < we have added to that lv. electricitj rhe simple tm in no has been i eplat ed \\ ith mi bine engitu combustion engines, automobile aircraft, and organi ition, 1 than ihiiu years ago the country had one automobile I vcrj i 8^ pcopl< now probably one to ever) seven ;h: rhnt\ years ago there was one telephone lot oven k ninoh i ople in this countn Pen veai ago then w nt to even ei lu Phe numlxM is reater no\> rhe doings of the world arc made kn wn to u a KW h urs after thoii oocurrence by o nan tcb rranh* "wire l < radio and telephone We talk acn land and s a atul - t me « from living mach . rapid-tra\ lins i ains and steamshij \\ e ha\ v in\ ented machinei j that * enables u to move practically whol< populat v < h hl\ improv* I i in a short time Phe maohino has I on hi th ma: duct > sj item of industn and n has a i I the divi ion and d itribution ol lai w It a factoi in th rowth t\ andthede] tat >nol rural di * It ha ban d th h in in whit h wc lt\ ind taken us from the level i tlv irth, a i\ i tw ahn\ c it. to a level i t\\ cut \. \\ it\ I eventv st es Phe i )
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