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Caption: Booklet - India at Illinois (1957 Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
-2Pci >nnel. Your f ireness of the ICA pi iram at I Mir is may > depci)6 mainly upon your acquaintance with the p'-oplc a 0( iatcd with it. i The following resident stall members were On ignment that Included duty \n India under ICA contracts, beginning in the year l i Allahabad Agricultural institute Hi H. Alexander, Dairy Science, also Group Leader, two years, 1952. Jeannette Dean,Home Economic Extension, two years, I95^« C G. H. Dungan, Agronomy, also Group I cider, two years, 1 J53. Fl rence Kimmelshue, Home Economics Extension, two years, 1952« F. H. Shuman, Agricultural Extension, two years, I952« Indian Institute of Technology G. E. Anncr, Electrical Engineering, two years, 1955* R. C. Hay, Agri cul tural Engineering, al SO Group leader, two years, I95^« j. L. Hough, Geology, one and o m half years, I95^« T. w. Price, Mechanical Engin« ring, also Group Leader, two years, 1955. Jack Wood, City and Regional Planning, one and one-half years, I957< India Regional I I | L. E. Card, Agricultural Advisor and Group Leader, two years, 0tarti ng November 1, 1957. H. W. Hannah, Survey Team,1955; Agricultural Advisor and Group Leader, two years, I955i w. H. Tammeus, Agricultural Extension, two years, 19! • Uni vers i ty of I I Ii noi s D. G. Carter, Survey ream,1953. Coordinator of International Cooperation Programs, 195&. H. C. M. Case, ',urvcy Team, 1953. Chairman, University Committer, 1951-5^. L. B. Howard, Executive Visit, 1956. R. W. Ju mhelmer, Survey I im,l')55i Short-Term Consult-int in Hybrid Corn Production,1956 ; Asslstanl Coordinator, 1956. G. I. './aliar , Short-Term Consultant In Bacteriology, 195/. C'thcr ; »le having a p a r t i n the Univ- | ity's ICA p r o g r a m II be listed later, rhey Include local staff wl th p a r t i c u l a r duti- , ui graduates spec ally ( ployed for a- ignmenl to Indi.i, and personnel c r u i t e : from oil r universities f rperl Is up to two years. Letter No, 2 In a couple of w . i , w i l l be concerned el Ith i '-ivn scholars */ho come to tin U n i v e r s i t y , pm<haso of hooks and « uip« men and a f / o( t he major 1st • le, we shall Le glad to h«*.u phase of th*- progr tene U. Carter, f ss involved in foreign programs. Mean i » ,I..II i student intei .ted In a v >ordinator yyj •< &< / H.I 11 / \T I , I
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