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Caption: Booklet - India at Illinois (1957 Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INDIA AT ILLINOIS Letter No. 1 International Cooperation Programs Nov-mbc The first of a projected series dealing with our part in the International Cooperation Administration's University contract program. -- .u «• • The University o f Illinois h a s always taken an active interest in foreign affairs in so far as education and research are concerned, and in the contribution of its resources to advance the policy of the United States in foreign areas. You are familiar with many of the activities: sabbatical trips, exchange professors, Fulbright scholars, foreign students, foreign visitors, classified research, and leaves for government service. The ICA-University contract program is not widely known on carpus, and yet it has been in operation for five years; its program has involved six contracts, three colleges and several service divisions of the University, two foreign countries, some ^+0 Illinois staff members and as many foreign students, and funds amounting to well over a mi 11 ion dol1ars. Financing is provided by the U. S. Government without cost to the University. Our contribution is in terms of advice, counsel and assignment of personnel, and use of physical resources for the conduct of work in education and research. This activity is not unique with the University of Illinois. Currently some 50 U. S. colleges and universities operate under about 75 contracts in 35 foreign areas. Illinois work is presently centered in India with 12 professors now on assignment and about 30 Indian Nationals scheduled for U. S. training for all or part of the 1957-58 year. I 11i noi s in India. The inception of the programs came in 1951 with a proposal from the U. S. Technical Cooperation Mission at New Delhi, operating under the "Point IV" plan, suggesting that the University of Illinois undertake a project for work in India. The Allahabad Agricultural Institute was chosen as the collaborating institution, perhaps largely through the efforts of Dr. Arthur T. Mosher then Principal of the Institute and a UI alumnus. Later the Indian Institute of Technology requested and obtained engineering a distance. In 1955, the work at Allahabad was merged with an e r jional project in agricultural lucition .Mid development un anded M* vvhlch 16 Indian colleges, rccarch stations, or state departn nts collaborate, in each case the International Cooperation Administration conr t r a r y were c >t bliihed f<*i tin- following purposes: iM assigning Illinois St f\ for work In India, (?) training Ind i n cholars \n the U ted cs, (3) purchasing b< ks and equipment, and (') a d v U •• cour -liny as rc« -ested by the host country, and
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