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Caption: Dedication - Engineering Hall (1894) (and Inauguration of President Draper) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
IN V iURA 11 i'l 111 N I DRAPER. g don, but it aitv the advan tmenl id prosperit) of th< State. '1 complish the most ><ul i r the Unh tity and th< tat the :tions of all sh uld be in perfect ham . All mn w rk u idlj t < ther and leave nothing undone that ul\ ommon int its. It is the m< t ardent wish of the students of this Univerity that cc ned harmony shall prevail. W e a jure u, Mr. Vw entn t, that in all your under kin for the we! of t h e U n i v e r s i t y , for the p r o m o t i o n of its ini St and tho* of the state, you have our most hearty cooperation. With the main ssurano > that we have 1 1. we feel confident that, under your guidance, our fair University will continu to prosper; that her fame, as is befitting the reat state she repn »ents, and the noble work in which she is engaged, will resound throughout the land.
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