Caption: Dedication - Engineering Hall (1894) (and Inauguration of President Draper) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
(3 U N I \ i RSITY OF ILLINOIS. f the n >ble body of ic tractors who have I n aed with it, and who to-day are devoted to iti in n We i Lrni ;tly ash Thy blea ag upon all a embl and upon all who i thoughts and whoso h irl ire with us at thi hour. Command Thy blessingto r I upon Thy sen th< Go\ rnor of our s ite, giving him wi lom and grace foi th duti 3 of his high office; upon the hoard of trustee! of t! University; upon the faculty and students; upon all graduate of the University, id upon its patrons and friends, wl • r th< ' may be. We ask, especially, that Thou wilt bless Thy i ervant who has heen calL I to the presidency oi the University, and who is to i : inaugurated this day. We thank Th >r the sue c . he has achiev< I in educational work in the past, and for the i ithusiastic welcome that has been gn i him as he has c o m e to t h i s n e w p o s i t i o n . We t h a n k Th( for th larg( [{y pla< he has already found in the confidence i id affections of w h o m a n d for w h o m h e is t o l a b o r . Graciously t h o s e with indue him with wisdom lor the duties of the high offic ) which he is to be i n d u c t e d t h i s d a y , a n d m a y this U n i \ r\\ / a c a r e e r of g r e a t U fuln S u n d e r hi administration. M a y t h e r e g o o u t from t h e Oni el ity in t h e c o m i n body of educated youn# men and women pi ; tred foi til tin duti< of American citizenship to which they m , in Thj providence, he called. Bless our beloved land thi ugh th< liv oi her educated sons and daughters. We offer our prayer in the name of J- IUS Christ, thy dear Son, and our Lord. Amen. Music \>y the Univei ity Mandolin and Guitar Club, "Profumi Orientali,"