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Caption: Dedication - Engineering Hall (1894) (and Inauguration of President Draper) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
US u GURATION OF PR] [DENT DR i?ER. 5 Address, HON, foHN P. Ai/roi D, Govi ILLINOIS. 01 rHE Si Music. "Libert Bell. (Sousa)— U N I \ ERSITV MI LIT M 1 Delivery of C rtificate of Election, Charter, Keys, etc., to the Pr at, THOMAS J. BuRRii L, L L . D . , DEAN OF GENERAL FACI lnai .ural Address, PRESIDENT ANDREW SLOAN DRAPER, LL.D. Music, "University Song,"— UNIVE SITV GLEI CLUB. (Words by Carnahan, '92. Music by Steele, '96. Music, "Crusader,"' (Soi/sa)— UNIVERSITY MILITARY 1 tfi The exercises were opened by the University Orchestra, which rendered "Abide With Me." PRAYER. BY REV. C. N. W I L D E R , D. D. Almighty God, our Heavenh Fat] r, we thank his day in our lives, a for the occ v ich ha rou at us toge r. We devoutly recogni l. as the author of our being, and as tl give of all th >< 1 1 we joy. We k T e for the conditio s of oui or the po of understa lii t! c ol o com to obtain the -ood which ou 1 i for 1 . Es] to-d. 0 \ Tl io titutioi 1 for lu< on utie 1 tl ooli all g of < i own nun the n co uti th corps ol i ru ti W aank The. i] our S; ir I at\ . (o\ it bl . • it idowment, md it h tory. \\ ognize '1 1 >dn< owards th p< ; th in 1
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