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Caption: Dedication - Engineering Hall (1894) (and Inauguration of President Draper) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
. I'NIYI SITV OF II I I N O I S . Dr. urrill, Professor Ricker, Dr. Forbes, and Dr. Kinl< , loans of the several faculties of the University. It was decided to hold the exerci s in Military Hall, beginning at 2 o'clock p. m. By order of the committee of arrangements, at one o'clock p. m. all persons associated with the University and their invited friends, assembled at University H a l l — t h e trustees in the president's rooms,invited guests in the library, the faculties of the University in the physical lecture room, the alumni in the zoological museum, and the s t u d e n t s in the chapel. Captain D. H . Brush, S e v e n t e e n t h Infantry. U. S. A., Professor of Military Science and Tactics, was Chief Marshal, and the Military Battalion, led by t h e University Military Band, served as escort to the procession, which n u m b e r e d some two thousand persons. T h e day was unusually mild for t h e season, and surpassingly bright. Military H a l l was filled to overflowing. T h e ceremonies were as follows: PROGRAMME. Music, "Abide W i t h M e , " Prayer, Music, "Profumi Orientali," Addresses: F o r the Students, P E T E R JUNKERSFELD, PRESIDENT SENIOR CLASS. (Donnizetti)— UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRA. C. N. W I L D E R , D. D. (Bellcnghi)— REV. UNIVERSITY M A N D O L I N AND G U I T A R C L U B . F o r the Alumni, HON. CHARLES G. N E E L Y , CLASS OF 'SO, P R E S I D E N T PROFESSOR SAMUEL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. F o r the Faculty, W . SHATTUCK, Introduction of GOVERNOR ALTGELD as Presiding Officer by HON. NELSON W. GRAHAM,PRESIDENT BOARD OF TRUSTEES
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