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Caption: Illio - 1954 Selections This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
! Kinlcj Hall Coll esfe of Cominerce and Business Ad mi nisi ration ^ Fom divisions oi primar) importance are found in the Colh of Commerce and Business administration: tin' Department oi Business Organization and Op Hon. the I >epai tmeni ol I iconomi the Bureau i Economic and Business l»» rch and the Business Management Sei \ ice. Providing students with .1 pi ram designed to train them l"i careers In business, < 'nonius, and adminis !l tration constitutes the main function oi the ( I Ins program is also designed to prepare the individual to beltei phi) his role .is .1 citizen, \n 01 imized research program i^ administered b\ the Bureau « l I conomi< uul Business Keseareh, Its » lindn are published in special monographs as well .is two |oui n.ds 1 Illinois Husiih M R a 11 > it 11 \ SIIIIIIII.IIN ol business conditions for Illinois, 11 i 1 n. I j Current I mh I oninwut, issued quarterl)
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