UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Magazine - Illinois Chemist (1922 Selections) [PAGE 8]

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Gas riant Work

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aoke, ashes, unnecessary \\ a brief, YOU CAN DO IT BETTER WITH QA Di,-, illegi I DJ an ; the :• • ifi. n e with heat. This is th did not list a ga imriculmn in thel* ev ompanies as the} enter the field of industrial sale ehools. Somion.' lias < th 1 reaiion why • II is especially noticeable in Chici i where high up 1 iLT}11 i indu has been n-piacH by eleetr on their big gas holders throughout the city, on bulk ,l ,n, n lightii au "' ' failed to make t. a tin boards, £en< and other places where are liii,. improvements and studi f gas mantles, easy permitted, these words are printed in bold outstanding

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technical uni ,1,,. ,

w an- putting In gas eng r unable t > find j ' <


letters. The slogan itself is convincing or at least irritating enough for the man who uses a lar amounl of heat to investigate the correctness of it. The arguments for gas heating have convinced Holabird and ' ighl and Col i mpanyoi hi.ago, one of the large 1 at the disposal Roche to specify the Bryant Automatic as-fired Boil- gas compani. in the world, have pi er for our Memorial Stadium here at Illinois. The of th.- University of Illinois one of their s *ions for boiler specified is to heat -.000 gallons of water an research or any special investigation or monstra-s this, they are furhour maximum demand. Thus gas enters the world iion they wish to carry on. 1 immer of sports and athletic men will enjoy the com forts of nishing employment for university men hot water on tap every hour—a cupful or a tank- in order that they may 1 »me acquainted with tfc ful. This is a welcome announcement, not onlv to industrial side of the eras hush This s a big athletes, but also to all future users of the Stadium advance on the part of the gas company an I one to showers, to know that hot water will always be on be welcomed by the university. This summer, seven Illinois men. including the wi hand to greet them. Another example of better heatd to ing by means of gas is the heating of a five story and er. took advantage of thi liberal otTer ami basement factory building in Los Angeles, California. work about the middle of dune. Six of i were staThese gas-fired steam radiators heat 3,000,000 cu. ft. tioned at the main laboratory and one at the D r O of air. General Grant's tomb in New York is also shop. Prom the very first day we were treated as par to be warmed this winter by twelve Wolff gas-fired Of the "gang*' at the laboratory, for m < f the felsteam radiators. Without going into the large field lows were university men. still loyal to their Alma of domestic uses and shop uses for heating furnaces Mater. Three of them. Ernest Thiele, John Speta and kilns, these three illustrations show the increasing and Jacob Parber, were Illinois graduates, so when interest in the use of gas for heating. the Illinois bunch got together the other colleges With the increasing interest in gas for heating pur- didn't have a chance. The work was agreeable, conposes, gas associations are beginning to realize the sisting of analytical work, meter tee some reeearvh need of cooperation with the colleges and universities, work, and one fellow was sent out as time keeper for the need of putting gas making on a scientific basis. the laying of a large gas main, claimed to be the On the other hand, university men are glad to cooper- a r g e s t i n the world. We were take,, on an insp ate—to find a new field in which to apply their thetontaptothe Chicago Byproducts Coke Compaq ories and into which their energy can be turned. a Plant built for the People's Gas, Light and Electrical engineering has been in the curriculum of -n1panybytheKopp(>I,rompan, w technical universities for a number of years, hut if to attend he das Engineers meeting held once is only this year that a curriculum in gas engineering ^ t h ^ n the People's Gas Building. Since ^ d i d has been offered at the University of Illinois. The not get an opportunity to work at one of the w s st University of Michigan offers gas engineering as a t'-wewere.iv.nachaneeto.nsp^ t}hMu^s

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methods of ignition and men are j burning scientifically. A

appliai >. •udy gas making and gas viden . Tin- People's <

specialized elective in chemical engineering, which i just, as good as having a separate curriculum in the engin ring college. The University of Wisconsin

ral lessons were learned about industrial work, nam




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