Caption: Magazine - Illinois Chemist (1922 Selections) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
',W ItV > illluuiis (tltcmist CONTENTS Gas Plant Work F. E. \'<in<I<ir,<r 6 Chemical Provisions of the Tariff Local Anesthetics Pollution and Peoria Alumni Notes Editorials Society News Spanish Athletics /. '/'. Oleick W. />'. Burnett W. />. Anderson and E. W. > iritt 9 10 \2 M 11 16 20 OCTOBER ISSUE ••irniNMMIHnMMMHMMNNMNHMMnil E I I 1 I Entered a* »econd claM matU-r, October 15, 1016, It the postofflce at I ' r l u m i . [ H i n d i , Under the act I I • of March :;. 1870. liusiness Office—Room 184 Chemistry Building, Unlvei Address all ol Illinois, Urbana, Illinois snot. mmnnleationi :iini i. matter to M. D, Bngelhsrt, V Chalm (bampalgn, iiiin,.i i i I I It. I I