UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Magazine - Illinois Chemist (1922 Selections) [PAGE 12]

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Alpha Chi S ,ia wishes to announce the pledging \. Rich, ': \. Arum " John Fisher, '25, and Kdu in Pearson, '26. Brother C. F\ Crossley, ": after a very Buccessful ummer playing commercial baseball, has consented to teach chemistr) and coaoh the atheletic teams at Quincj High School, Quincy, 111. We haw also found iome secret information thai Cross lias been a poor

married man for the las! tWO y e a r s .

Brother C. P. Stewart, 24, and p. T. Gardner, are also leaving us Por a . ir. I. ither St* ( with the research lab. of the Westclo k < Peru, and brother Gardner is with a petroleum apany in Kansas. Brother Myron Snell, '22, has jn ntly ta n i

a position with Mineral Refining Co. at V;ilh W


B r o t h e r \ . A. H a n s e n , '22, has been with the Abb

From a recent letter we learned thai R. E. (Red) ( Lawrence is a foreman at the Matawan Tile ',(. al

Matawan. N. J .

Laboratories al Chicago since thee




P the Summer

Last spring brother II. '. Larson r lived a Pell <

s h i p to Study in Sweden and from a i enl let ' h

Wo have several new graduate students working on their Master's and Doctor's hen-. Prom our own a of '22, Beckman, Bruce and Pisherare taking up the advanced work, while in addition <J. II. B. Davis from the r. Ky., Eric Arnold Prom the Case School of Applied Science, and Ralph Shriner Prom Washington University, are continuing the pursuil of the

elusive molecules in o u r midst.

enjoys being back in the native land. Brother Wm. Willis is at Armours fertilizer works at (Ihicago I [eights. Brother R. S. (Shorty) Daniels has a position government chemisl in the Philippines. Brother Edwin Webster v married last summer

and for t he present is at B i r m i n g h a m , Ala.

C. II. Peet, W. M. Gallaher and J. II. Gardner, our

old grads, a r e hack at the Annex this y e a r .

Brother "Nick" Carter in addition to attendin

the U n i v e r s i t y of Iowa is chief chemist for his own chemical c o n c e r n .

It seems that brother (Scotty >, G. E. Gunton cannot be induced to leave the Canadian border \<'\'y Par, conBrother A. M. Montzheimer is with a steel plant at [uently he will not be here Por another semester or Youngstown, O. T h e tirst house d a n c e of the y e a r will he held O p ihly a year. Me is with the Amalgamated Pulp < and Paper Co., Clarke City, Quebeck. Telegraph him ober 21, Homecoming, and we expeel many of th> >ld all your orders Por Are water. grads hack.

OCTOBEH MEETING An unusually interestii meeting is scheduled for October 17th, at 7:30 P. M. in Room ion Chemistry. Prof* or W A. \'o.\ will address the Local Section on th- ubjeel "Buildim* for Peace A Hummer in Bu rope A' all of ns know Professor Noyea was one of the few American chemists to attend the international " '"»{.: held in Utrecht. Holland l.e.i June. Dur»»

ing his travels in England, France, and I rmany,

visiting m a n y of his friends a n d associates in chemistry, he also gave c o n s i d e r a b l e a t t e n t i o n to thi iioniic a n d social r e l a t i o n s e x i s t i n g between the various European countries.

His address will he of a general interest to the pub

li«' a n d not s t r i c t l y technical in n a t u r e . Members >t

the section should aid in giving this announcement

publicity in o r d e r that as m a n y people as possible will an O p p o r t u n i t y to h e a r tin' a d d r e s s .