UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Magazine - Illinois Chemist (1922 Selections) [PAGE 11]

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W h a t About a

i: i: «• D,



The Chem. club is the I kbow t the etudenl bo<l Chemistry, It is the medium h p l a n t of M u n c h '1 *! '• • 1 i m. studeuts eau vt their opinions and i n t e r e s t tO all ch«*flll i * •ri the Campus, It furnish- n m r p l a t l l a n d il "ill an ,1 highly instructive lectures very } P, Wednesday, Dectmbet 12th. «m i- of Ktreme ii tl s , p si .hunt meeting w h t Am- can ( tl wultj and Btudents int r : '1 A four i I motion p The mannf -hi; ind thus devel thin th( I I i 1 are wa- *k*n I in thi BUD i U a l l . st I for si the plant the Am n and Tin I'U K\ mem r m b hind th < iniiat o in mpany. It is the compli and well phot it a BUC ind i verj student should showing ti nuti ire of steel fori be a meml r. Other coll flubs on our campus, st Oper shown fr i t h e t i m e thhe ( mmei Club and the Law Cli in particular plat 1 until t! n plate* are packs • us , k of interest. The Engineers point is taken ' mi tl: to their I o-op, the Law Club to their ; >posed cam1 and ready \'"r si pment. pus 1 slation, the Premedi 100', merabershi] Or: The Nat I Tube i impany. I r r 111 ind then they point to us in the colh > Chemistry f The "!" " «' " ling with *»t^am shovel M sk "What have you gott Chemists are we g < \B shown. The . transported a i lot n boau ing to endure this isationf "No!" > ou say, " W at a p Laki Sup< It is then carried and D " Then t behind this Chem. Club and unloaded at a lower j The meth f Igar p u s h ; take an active interest in its organization, and it unloading is shown, tl then followed 1 the will take an active interest in you. blast furns 8, 1 furni 1 mills, when Join! Go to its meeting bring your fellow Chem- 0] rations of its trans format m or finis) i ml i illy that fi iiinan roommate for he is pipe [ hown. Tie- ! & el si ws s s in a p!a; the nucleus around which its future must be built. ground equipped by the N I u al Tui I any. Al the annual election held last spring the following the benefit of their employ R and theii irail:«<. 9 were • d : G. K. Bardace, presidenl ; [renc SKI OND SEMESTER Kendall, vice-pr ident; J. G. Burns, jretary; Roy Mr. C, 0. > HI Chii Alchemy. - >ukup, tr surer; P. M. De Leeuw, custodian; and Tins lecture i n entir m t hit »ok • H. .Mills, repi titative to the Illinois Chemu B I. As Mills did not return to school B. E, 1' is something new to the American ehemist and should be of e x t r e m e interest to all, ' ' •' onell has l n appointed in his place.

• .


hMdiVi November Mth. Dr. Hopkins will ;• an » *trat'<j 1* .re on tat J

F e b r u a r y 27th.

CLUB PROGRAM. FIRST SEMESTER. Tuesday, October 24th. A four 1 motion picture. Zinc mining, milling ilting. The i ory begins with the lowering of the men in ti mines, and takes one through the various Iting operations, from the unloading of a ear to tl irehouse. Or: Copper mining, milling and smelting (four

> .

A motion picture: Tl

Storj of Coal, [thi

Tins lilin takes you t h r o u g h the mine and shows *

various methods employed in minim?, blasting an loading the ooal underground. It closes with the as

loading i^\' the mine ears at the surface, ami the siting

•'"'d cleaning of the ooal on the shaker screens and conveyor tables. Or; Copper mining at Anaconda, Montana.

twelve reels).

An excellent picture, six reels o( which show the

mining operation and six of which show the reduction works. The copper industry is herein OOtupleteh a n d perfectly photographed, ami at each operation an ex

Thi picture opens in the CJtah and Nevads copper r ons, and carries you through the loading bins the < .nioiis retorts, and reverberatories. It also features cedent safety-first example is staged. the electric precipitators for the suppression and utiOn The story of sulphur, (two reels), lization of converters, This appartaua takes care This picture shows the operations o( the Texas Gulf of about twenty five thousand cubic feet of RUN n 0r S u l p h u r Company. The sinking of the well nod (he hour by means of an electric current of twenty two pumping of sulphur Is shown tn detail and the 0 n thoi ind voitH. The picture ends with the finished hundred thousand ton blocks are c l e a r h llluat**tts| product in the storehouses. (Continued on pag< n;