Caption: Booklet - Hospital Fund Regulations This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Ho ontriersitj expense of a peri I nur with ) physician's bill. trustee is to not to the hospital. Pavm nt < th 1) neficiary is in good h Ith onh 1 r>r fo ic obligation a he ti period of t I itl sons paying in incubation .re an feet ions di of th e titl 1 to e ot • th The trustee shall have cu todv of mber v. ksl the fund and shall make all \ iym< ins. n an\ 7. The trustee shall report annu Uy on <T the operation of the fund, and shall ren1 ' - der an accounting, to the Council of Administration, at the first regular meeting whicl of that body in September of each year. The Council of Administration has conymen .md 1 sented to receive such report and agrees niver- to ask the Comptroller of the University :ru te to audit the accounts for presentati n at its first meeting in September: to spread Opi ie nrj e l ^ report upon its records .so that the )r Tto th [ OC( lings of the tru tee may be per it to inanently preserved, and to publish the ( sential fa< Is of the annual report in the O pi ,- indents paper, ;itc >i it f tiin^ 1 th