Caption: Booklet - Hospital Fund Regulations This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1 h Student ' Mutual benefit Hospital 1 nd i a fun 1 made up of contrib HI>m students of the University Ot lllii -. not oth rwise connected with th e t inivei uty. The am< 'tint of contribution from! eh indent per semester is $i.oo. I ; he payment of $1.00 is due at the w of each semester, and members opening not received later than three weeksi the fur are ifter the first day of registration in any j semester. Payment confers benefits t o L ^ op( the end of the semester in which pay-J ^ e r an ment is made. ministi tna By consent of each member, whiclil °* * 4 consent is acknowledged by the payment! The a semester contribution, the fund is sented to ask f the Un paid to the Dean of M t0 a u d as trustee Th trustee! sity f 111 its firs is liable to the members fo the P the re] disbursement of the fund for the purpose for which it is collected, and only to thel procee ount collected manen essenti . The purpose of the fund is to pro-J studen de ward hospital care at the rate o S2.00 a day for members become 1 and need such care for a period of time ceed four weeks during not to semester. No payment is made fo expense physici; trustee and nol only i when h sons p incubat not em