Caption: Planning Report - Future of International Programs (1968) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INTRODUCTION Until the 1960s, the primary emphasis of internationally-related instructional and research programs at the University of Illinois was aim I at Western Europe. A t h o u g h formally organized L a t i n - A m e r i c a n studies were established in the early HMO's and overseas contract programs for t. finical assistance ind institution building were undertaken in the earl) 1 -0' s . it was not until the 1960's that the University began a coordinated •ri i efforts aimed at e x p a n d i n g and b r o a d e n i n g its involvment in international pr« rams, A i ntral part of these efforts was a series of President's Conferences. . B ment of which was a special Faculty Conference on the Role of the University of Illinois in International Affairs, held December 2, 1961. l The C nferei, • included a p p r o x i m a t e l y one h u n d r e d participants from fteen »1 1< s a n d divisions of the U r b a n a - C h a m p a i g n c a m p u s a n d of both Chicago campuses. The purposes of the discussions were to assess the current status of the University's activities and resources in international pr< rams and to discuss possible avenues of future development The ( mferen included that University international activities "should read) anded" and n ommended: 1. Instruction in non-Western languages. 2. Ai i studies in addition to the c u r r e n t Russian a n d American nters. I, ( -mparative and interdisciplinary studies concerned Latinwith problems of world significance. 1. Introduction "f non-Western subject matter by revising pi sent relevant HHS<-S or adding new ones. J ppi ving the Conference, on May 21, 1962, the Board of Trustees d the appointment "f the first Din tor of International Pi tins, f rt of thi onfereno < it. lined In Faculty l<tt< M i, D mbei I, o 1 1, and a luminary in th< Alxny Ri port, Educational Direction* at the University f lltinoi A Statement l>y »'" University Stud) Committee on Future Pi ami January ) , pj> 3